The telecom industry is hard at work re-introducing their bills in this new Congress to take away your local control on where to place cell towers, which means they can place them next to your home, school and business, and where your children play, without your consent.
Problems: from depreciating property values to creating a toxic zone of cascading health effects from radio frequency (RF) radiation.
Your US Rep. Rick Allen (R-GA 12th District) is critically important as he is a member of the second most powerful committee in Congress for telecommunications, the Communications & Technology Subcommittee of the House Energy & Commerce Committee. He re-introduced a bill that would authorize the FCC to auction off more spectrum to telecom that will, in turn, accelerate the deployment of cell towers near our homes, businesses and schools, without our consent – the Spectrum Pipeline Act of 2025.
We need your help to set up a meeting with the office of Rep. Allen. Here’s what you can do:
- Call the telecommunications staffer, Cam Shepherd, at 202 225. 2823 and email at Cam.shepherd@mail.house.gov
- Ask to meet virtually to discuss “telecom bills and bridging the digital divide”
- Set up a meeting for ½ hour within the time availability below so that Odette Wilkens, Chair & General Counsel of the National Call for Safe Technology, and Charles Frohman, lobbyist for the National Health Federation, can be with you at the meeting to discuss the bills in detail
- Invite family and friends to meet with you who live in Rep. Allen’s district – GA 12th congressional district – see https://statisticalatlas.com/state/Arkansas/Overview
- Include Odette Wilkens at hello@thenationalcall.org on your email to confirm availability as the time slots may fill up with other meetings with legislators
- Once you confirm with Cam on date and time, Odette will set up a Zoom call
- Send to Odette the names and emails of all who will be attending the call, including Cam’s email, to include on the Zoom invite
Availability of Odette and Charles – Eastern Time:
Week of Jan 27: Tu 1:30-2:30; 3:30-4pm W 1:30-2pm; 3-4pm Th 1-2:30pm Fr 10am-2:30pm | Week of Feb 3: M 10am-4pm Tu 1:30-2:30; 3:30-4pm W 10-11am; 1:30-2pm; 3-3:30pm Th 1-2:30pm Fr 10am-3:30pm | Week of Feb 10: M 10am – 11:30am Tu 1:30-4pm W 10-11am; 1:30-2pm; 3-4pm Th 1-2:30pm Fr 10am-3:30pm | Week of Feb 17: M 10am-4pm Tu 1-4pm W 10-10:45am; 1:30-2pm; 3-4pm Th 1-2:30pm Fr 10am-11:30pm; 1:45-3:30pm |
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