The Weston A. Price Foundation is pleased to present five all-day workshops on Friday, November 13, the first day of its 10th international conference. There is something from everyone-from a focus on the root cause of disease to the basics of traditional diets to grass-based farming to cooking.
RADICAL MEDICINE: GETTING TO THE TRUE ROOTS OF DISEASE by Louisa Williams, ND. In her seminar, Dr. Williams will discuss the most common root causes of dysfunction and disease, and how to effectively treat these “obstacles to cure.” This will include the diagnosis and treatment of what the Europeans refer to as dominant foci, that is, chronic dental and tonsil focal infections and scar interference fields. Diagnosing these chronic foci is especially challenging since they typically are relatively silent and symptom-free locally, but cause pain and dysfunction distally. For example, a patient may be prescribed a whole host of pain-relieving prescription drugs (as well as bottles of fish oil and glucosamine), when the true cause of her chronic pain-a chronic tonsil focus-goes undetected. Thus, modern medicine (as well as even the majority of holistic physicians who are unaware of foci) often misses the mark by concentrating on relieving local symptoms with prescription drugs, when the major cause of a patient’s symptoms is actually a tooth, tonsil or scar quite far away from the area of chronic pain and dysfunction.
Additionally, the use of gemmotherapy-herbal remedies made from the young buds and rootlets of organic plants rich in regenerative phytochemicals (plant stem cell) will be described. These highly potent embryonic herbal remedies can detoxify chronic stores of toxic metals and chemicals that even past chelation treatments have failed to remove. Other major areas that will be discussed include identifying major food allergies and dysbiosis (overgrowth of the intestinal pathogenic microbes), and assessing significant dental malocclusions (bad bites). Further, the microdoses of toxic chemicals we receive daily from our cleaning and personal care products (shampoo, shaving creme, etc.) will be addressed, and alternative products that are both chemical-free and perform well on the skin and hair will be described.
Finally, Dr. Williams will discuss what she considers the most fundamentally curative treatment presently known-the new Sankaran System of constitutional homeopathy. This new system guides the homeopath into finding the single remedy out of literally thousands of possibilities that is needed to help reduce an individual’s inherited miasmic tendency, that is, one’s particular disease tendency or weakness. The correct constitutional remedy can be truly miraculous by healing at all levels-physically, mentally, and emotionally, and over time allows one’s true nature to most fully emerge and develop.
THE GUT & PSYCHOLOGY SYNDROME by Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD: Dr. Campbell-McBride’s spell-binding seminar will focus on the relationship between gut health and modern health problems, particularly autism, behavior problems and learning disabilities, and how to treat them with a solid nutritional protocol.
Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, MMedSci (neurology), MMedSci (nutrition), graduated with honors as a medical doctor in 1984 from Bashkir Medical University in Russia. In the following years she gained a postgraduate degree in neurology. After practicing for five years as a neurologist and three years as a neurosurgeon, she started a family and moved to the UK. Fairly shortly after that her son was diagnosed autistic, which prompted an intensive study into causes and treatments of autism. It was during this time that Dr. Campbell-McBride developed her theories on the relationship between neurological disorders and nutrition. She then completed a second postgraduate degree in human nutrition at Sheffield University, UK.
Having successfully treated her son, Dr. Campbell-McBride has returned to practice in 2000 and runs the Cambridge Nutrition Clinic. She has specialized in using a nutritional approach as a treatment, and she has become recognized as one of the world’s leading experts in treating children and adults with learning disabilities and other mental disorders, as well as children and adults with digestive and immune disorders.
In 2004 she has published Gut And Psychology Syndrome: Natural Treatment Of Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Depression And Schizophrenia, in which she explores the connection between the patient’s physical state and brain function. The book gives full details of the GAPS Nutritional Protocol, highly successful in treating patients with learning disabilities and other mental problems.
In her clinic, Dr Campbell-McBride works with many patients suffering from heart disease, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, stroke and other complications of atherosclerosis. She has become acutely aware of the existing confusion about nutrition and these conditions, which spurred an intensive study into this subject. The result of this study is her new book Put You Heart In Your Mouth! What Really Is Heart Disease And What We Can Do To Prevent And Even Reverse It.
SEMINAR ON TRADITIONAL DIETS by Sally Fallon Morell. If you are new to the teachings of the Weston A. Price Foundation, this seminar on the basics of traditional diets is highly recommended. Beginning with a presentation of Dr. Weston Price’s unforgettable photographs of healthy traditional peoples, Fallon Morell explains the underlying factors in a variety of traditional diets, which conferred beauty, strength and complete freedom from disease on so-called primitive populations. Then she presents a step-by-step plan to put nourishing traditional foods-foods that your family will actually eat-back into your diet, including easy breakfast cereals, soups, sauces, snack foods, high-enzyme condiments and soft drinks that are actually good for you.
Part I of the seminar introduces participants to the work of Dr. Price and the underlying characteristics of healthy traditional diets. Part II discusses fats and oils in traditional diets. Participants will learn about the basics of lipid biochemistry and how to choose good fats and avoid the bad. Part III, “How to change your diet for the better,” includes practical advice for busy parents including easy recipes for snacks, soups, breakfasts, desserts and enzyme-enriched beverages and condiments.
Seminar topics include:
– Butter, the number one health food
– Vital role of high-cholesterol foods
– Why lowfat and vegan diets don’t work
– The magical powers of raw whole milk from pasture-fed cows
– Dangers of modern soy foods and soy infant formula
– The conspiracy to promote vegetable oils and hydrogenated fats
– Foods that help babies grow up smart and strong
– Old-fashioned foods that give limitless energy and vibrant health
– The unfortunate consequences of modern farming methods
WHAT EVERY GRASS-BASED FARMER (AND CONSUMER) SHOULD KNOW featuring Steve Heyer, Tim Wightman and Karl Dallefeld
Steve Heyer will illuminate the benefits that diversity brings to the farm, the farmer, the consumer and the environment. By integrating sustainably raised grassfed cattle, pigs and poultry with sustainably produced energy, Steve demonstrates how this diversity enhances a farm’s fertility while diminishing its energy demands – two “bottom line” attributes that currently impose a heavy burden upon the long-term sustainability of every farm as well as the consumers that depend upon that farm for their sustenance.
Tim Wightman will bring his considerable experience to bear in discussing how to bridge the gap from grain to grass. He will focus on what consumers and farmers should know about grain and the process of its reduction and future elimination in the dairy animal’s diet.
Karl Dallefeld will cover important information for new and existing farmers who want to make the transition to 100 percent grass-fed farming. Before you buy the farm or turn your livestock out, it’s essential to know the nutrient density of the soil and forage. Karl will discuss how to amend your soils to enhance nutrient density, plant diversity and create practical sustainability within your budget and the needs of your farm.
COOKING TRACK featuring Scott Gryzbek, Amanda Love and Jennette Turner
Scott Gryzbek will show you how to ferment anything! Lacto-fermentation is one of the easiest but least understood food preparation methods. Scott will show you a few easy-to-make vegetable, fruit and fish ferments so you can easily go home and ferment anything you wish! Recipes to be demonstrated will include sauerkraut and other vegetable ferments, fruit chutney and gravlax. In addition, Scott will discuss the history, science and health benefits of this extremely healthy, tasty and easy food preservation method, so you can make fermented foods an everyday part of your diet.
Amanda Love, the Barefoot Cook, will present on the magic of kefir, taking you on an insightful nutritional journey to explore this ancient, healing food. This comprehensive presentation will take you on an amazing voyage back to the intriguing origins of kefir and will bring you all the way forward to today’s scientific understanding and use of this magical elixir! Learn about the amazing health properties of kefir as well as its many uses including dairy beverages, water beverages, cheese, sauerkraut, sourdough, body scrubs and more. Learn the difference between water and dairy keifr grains and how to use them. Also learn about some alternative cultures including Fil Mjolk from Sweden and Viili from Finland. Class includes demonstrations and take-home recipes.
Jennette Turner will explore food, mood and behavior for children and adolescents. What your kids eat has a big impact on their moods, ability to concentrate and learn, and their social interactions. Learn how to avoid “bad mood” foods, and how to incorporate nourishing sacred foods that support healthy moods and behaviors into your family’s diet. We’ll also discuss tips for getting your kids to actually eat healthful foods.
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Tenth International Conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation
Friday, November 13 – Saturday, November 14 – Sunday, November 15
Plus special activities Monday November 16
Our First Mid West Conference!
Schaumburg, Illinois (near Chicago)
A Showcase for Delicious Traditional Food.
A Unique Opportunity for Health Professionals and
Laymen interested in Diet and Health.
WAPF Members Networking, Friendship and Fun
Gut and Psychology Syndrome
Radical Medicine
Traditional Diets
Healing with Traditional Foods
Holistic Cancer Therapies
Natural Plant Toxins
Pasture-Based Farming
Direct Farm-to-Consumer Sales
WAPF Lifestyle and Economics
Traditional Food Preparation
Live Blood Cell Analysis
Spacial Dynamics
Dan Barber, master chef
Ted Beals, MD, raw milk expert
Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, author of Gut & Psychology Syndrome
Meg Cattell, DVM, grass-based farmer
Thomas Cowan, MD, author of Fourfold Path to Healing
Karl Dallefeld, Prairie Creek Cattle Company
Kaayla Daniel, PhD, author of the Whole Soy Story
Charles Eisenstein, author of the Yoga of Eating
Sally Fallon Morell, MA, author of Nourishing Traditions
Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, holistic cancer expert
David Gumpert, author of The Raw Milk Revolution
Scott Gryzbek, CEO, Zukay Live Foods
Sarah Hearn, E. F. Schumacher Society local currency expert
Steve Heyer, alternative energy on the farm
Anore Jones, author of The Fish We Eat
Pete Kennedy, Esq., President, Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
Amanda Love, The Barefoot Cook
Chris Masterjohn, expert on fat-soluble vitamins
Jaimen McMillan, Spacial Dynamics
John Moody, founder of Whole Life Buying Club
Mary Newport, MD, on coconut oil for Alzheimer’s
Kathy Pirtle, author of Performance without Pain
Gerald Pollack, PhD, author of Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life
Stephanie Rivers on healthy school lunches
Beverly Rubik, PhD, author of Life at the Edge of Science
R. J. Ruppenthal, author of Fresh Food from Small Spaces
Anne Sergeant, PhD, on budgeting for nutrient-dense food
William Shaw, PhD, Director, Great Plains Laboratory
Garrett Smith, NMD, expert on nightshades
Kim Thompson, movement educator
Jennette Turner, author of Cooking with Jennette
John Turner, DC, CCSP, DIBCN, sports physician
Tim Wightman, author of the Raw Milk Handbook
Louisa Williams, ND, author of Radical Medicine
Will Winter, DVM, journalist and lecturer on sustainable agriculture
The conference will be held at the beautiful Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel and Convention Center in Schaumburg, Illinois Friday, November 13 through Sunday, November 15 (with additional activities held Monday, November 16).
To make your hotel reservations, please contact the Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel and Convention Center in Schaumburg, IL at 1-800-228-9290 or 1-866-204-0549.
– The rate for occupancy is $139.00 per night, plus applicable taxes.
– There is no additional charge for double, triple or quadruple occupancy.
– There is no fee for parking.
– Be sure to mention the code “WISWISA” to receive the discounted rate.
– All rooms have mini-refrigerators.
– You may make your hotel reservation online by clicking here http://cwp.marriott.com/chirs/wisetraditions/ or cutting and pasting this address into your browser.
Should you have any difficulty making your hotel reservations, please contact the meeting registrar at (304) 724-3006.
Monday activities include the annual chapter leaders meeting with Sally Fallon Morell, a farm tour with Kathy Kramer, a Spacial Dynamics workshop with Jaimen McMillan and cooking classes with Jeanette Turner and Stephanie Rivers.
Additional fees apply for the farm tour, cooking classes and Spacial Dynamics workshop. Space for the farm tour, Spacial Dynamics workshop and the cooking classes is extremely limited so be sure to sign up for the Monday activity of your choice when you register for the conference.
For details on Monday activities, go to http://westonaprice.org/conferences/2009/schedule.html.
The Wise Traditions Conference is pleased to provide a children’s program for this year’s meeting. $100 per child, includes lunch. Children 3 – 12 who are potty trained are welcome to Wise Traditions 2009 as long as they are enrolled in our children’s program. For the sake of other conference attendees, we ask that parents refrain from bringing children to the conference sessions.
Please note: We will serve nourishing traditional food (including fruit and natural sweeteners) but we cannot cater to special diets in the children’s program. There may be casein and gluten in the children’s lunches and snacks. Parents will need to supply their own food if their children are on special diets.
New this year: A special room has been set aside for mothers of infants who want to attend the conference. There will be a live audio feed from one of the sessions to that room throughout the day’s events. There will be no child care provided for infants and children under age 3.
As always, the conference will feature delicious traditional foods. (Menus are subject to change without notice.)
This year, for the first time, we will also provide gluten-free, casein-free alternative meals. Participants requiring gluten-free or casein-free meals will be served in a separate buffet with the exception of the Saturday banquet which is GF/CF with sauces served on the side. If you wish to have this option, please select the GF/CF option on your registration form.
The conference is a great place to showcase your nutrient dense foods.
View the menus http://www.westonaprice.org/conferences/2009/menus.html and read the many benefits including links to your website from the menu or recipe pages listed here. http://www.westonaprice.org/conferences/2009/food-donation-barter.html
Save $50 If You Register by October 1
TO REGISTER, Visit https://www.ptfassociates.com/secure/wisetraditions/2009registration.htm or call (304) 724-3006.
Connect with other conference attendees using the Room Share/Ride Share Forum: https://www.ptfassociates.com/secure/wisetraditions/forum/default.asp
CONTINUING EDUCATION UNITS for many health professionals attending the full conference.
POSTER PRESENTATION: Submissions of abstracts for poster presentations from health professionals on a broad range of topics relating food and nutrition to health are welcome. Contact info@westonaprice.org for further information.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, Visit http://westonaprice.org/conferences/2009/index.html or call (304) 724-3006.
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