Idaho legislators have introduced a crucial bill to safeguard your medical freedom, and we need your support TODAY!
Senate Bill 1023, the Idaho Medical Freedom Act, prohibits all medical mandates in the state. No bureaucrat, employer, school, or politician can compel you to make medical decisions against your will.
Your body, health, and future should be in your hands—not dictated by others. This bill ensures that you have the freedom to make your own medical choices and live a normal life without coercion.
Bills move fast, and your voice matters. Don’t wait—contact the Senate Affairs Committee today and stand up for your right to medical freedom!
- CALL OR EMAIL Senate State Affairs Committee Members TODAY and respectfully request that they VOTE YES on S.1023.
State Affairs Committee Members:
Chair Jim Guthrie (R) (208) 332-1348
Vice Chair Treg A. Bernt (R) (208) 332-1331
Member Kelly Arthur Anthon (R) (208) 332-1327
Member Mark Harris (R) (208) 332-1429
Member Ben Toews (R) (208) 332-1322
Member Lori Den Hartog (R) (208) 332-1340
Member Ben Adams (R) (208) 332-1336
Member Brandon Shippy (R) (208) 332-1325
Member James D. Ruchti (D) (208) 332-1406
Secretary Kathryn Wells (208) 332-1326
Senate State Affairs Committee Members Email Addresses:
JGuthrie@senate.idaho.gov, TBernt@senate.idaho.gov, KAnthon@senate.idaho.gov, MHarris@senate.idaho.gov, BToews@senate.idaho.gov, LDenHartog@senate.idaho.gov, BAdams@senate.idaho.gov, BShippy@senate.idaho.gov, JRuchti@senate.idaho.gov, sstaf@senate.idaho.gov
In addition, on Wednesday, you can Testify in Person or by Zoom:
Senate State Affairs Sessions – Weds. Feb. 5th – 8 am – Room WW55
- Contact Your State Senator and urge them to support Senate Bill 1023.
You can look up who represents you at https://legislature.idaho.gov/legislators/ (Click the Who’s My Legislator tab.)
- Spread the Word—Share this bill with friends, family, and neighbors. The more people know about it, the stronger our voice will be!
Sample script for email or calls is below. Personalize it by adding your own sentences and changing the wording – personal letters are far more effective than form letters!
“My name is ____, and I live in (town). I am asking Committee Member (or Senator) ____ to support S.1023. This bill ensures that no entity—whether government, employer, or educational institution—can impose medical mandates on individuals.
Citizens must always have the fundamental and unalienable rights to bodily autonomy and informed consent. Everyone must possess the autonomy to decline or retract consent at any stage of their health journey without undue pressure or coercion.
Medical freedom is not open to debate—it is a fundamental human right that must be defended. Let us unite to protect our autonomy, uphold informed consent, and ensure that no one else can assert authority over our bodies and our health.
I urge Committee Member (or Senator) _____to SUPPORT S.1023 and to help it move as quickly as possible.”
Talking Points:
Keep your call or email short! Pick the 2 or 3 of these talking points – or none of them — that are most important to you, and be sure to explain why this issue matters to you personally.
- One of the most basic human rights is bodily autonomy, as recognized by the Nuremberg Code. Ethical medicine requires prior, completely voluntary, and fully informed consent.
- S. 1023 reaffirms the principle that health decisions belong to the individual, not to external authorities.
- Supporting this bill is a stand for liberty, personal responsibility, and protecting fundamental human rights.
- When we defend the right to medical freedom, we safeguard the rights of all individuals to live according to their own beliefs and values.
- A society that respects personal autonomy fosters trust, transparency, and accountability in health care.
- By advocating for medical freedom, we ensure that future generations will not face the same overreach and coercion experienced during the Covid-19 “pandemic.”
- Allowing others to control your medical choices sets a dangerous precedent for further erosion of individual freedoms.
Text, status, and history for S.1023:
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I urge all Idaho legislators to supports this very important medical freedom bill. Thank you.
What measures are in place to ensure that individuals still have access to reliable medical information and care while maintaining their autonomy under this bill? Block Blast