Page 63 - Spring 2019 Journal
P. 63

was elated at the changes. As she described it, Harry had seemingly “grown up.”
MATCHING SUBSTANCE TO SYMPTOMS When there is a strong list in the column of symptoms that points in the direction of a specific homeopathic medicine—with an ad- ditional component of a parent having used the substance in gross form for years before, during and after conception—it often adds up to a call for the substance in homeopathic formula. Can- nabis would not qualify for use based only on the history of the father—one must see whether the current symptoms line up as well. Indeed, there must be pathology or debilitation of some sort. In other words, if Harry Jr. was healthy and had no troubling behaviors, then even having a father with a history of marijuana use would not be sufficient justification for the use of a homeopathic medicine. That is because there
would be nothing to correct.
Given that homeopathic remedies are in-
deed medicines, they ought to be used only when a medicine is called for. Cannabis sativa 200C and Cannabis indica 200C have been clinically shown to uproot mental conditions that most often arise from previous marijuana use by the person (or his parent), setting the person on a course of reality minus the burden of mental dis-
ease. It’s a tall order, but homeopathic medicines have been known to take the order seriously. As Harry’s dad would say, “Outa sight, man.”
Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) is a homeopathic consultant and educator and, more importantly, a mom who raised her children to adulthood using only homeopathy and Wise Traditions methods. Learn the home- opathy methods that Joette used in her study guide, Gateway to Homeopathy: A Study Group Guided Curriculum. This guided curriculum teaches you and your friends gathered in your living room or online group how to gain the confidence and skills to become the healers of your families. Learn specific protocols for particular conditions and a new homeopathic paradigm that Joette has termed Practical Homeopathy. Go to HomeopathyStudygroups. com to find everything you need to get started and to read inspiring testimonials from moms, grandmothers and others who have taken this powerful eight-week study course.
1. Morrison R. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and
Confirmatory Symptoms. Hahnemann Clinic
Publishing; 1993.
2. Kent JT. Materia Medica of Homoeopathic
Remedies. Homoeopathic Book Service; 2005.
If Harry Jr. was healthy and had no troubling behaviors, then even having a father with
a history of marijuana use would not
be sufficient justification for the
use of a homeopathic medicine.
    SPRING 2019
Wise Traditions

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