Page 58 - Summer 2017 Journal
P. 58
vortex facilitates the complete closing of the valves. Without the vortex, the valves wouldn’t close as crisply as they do. Some cardiologists at Johns Hopkins and a few other places have taken da Vinci seriously. In fact, there are a lot of articles on the heart findings of Leonardo da Vinci, and they have proved within the last twenty years that, in fact, there are two
vortices formed, one in the left and one in the right ventricle, which facilitate the closing of the valves. When the vortices don’t form properly, that’s when blood clots start to form. The vortex closes the valves by the pressure and adds a creative energy momentum to the system that helps the blood to move as well as creating an energetic field around the heart.
Putting these various findings to- gether, we can see that the heart stops the blood flow, creates a hydraulic effect and creates creative energy vortices—which orient the cells that are floating in the blood so that they go down the central axis, keeping them and all the other stuff away from the walls to facilitate the movement.
Why do we say someone has “a heart of
gold?” Everybody says that, even heart sur- geons. People refer to a “heart of gold” or say “the heart is the seat of love.” If you don’t believe me, tell your spouse or loved ones that you love them with all of your left kidney, your spleen or your foot. We say we love people “with all our heart,” yet we are taught that there is nothing but the physical stuff that you can see under the microscope.
When you dissect a cadaver in medical school and you come to the heart, you think you are going to find a Valentine’s heart, but all you see is this lump of muscle. There is no gold in that heart, and there is no love in that heart. If there is no love in a heart, why do we say that? Where does that come from?
I have been interested in gold as long as I can remember. I always wanted to know why people wore gold crowns on their head and car- ried gold scepters. Mosques are gold-coated and
there is gold in the Bible. Gold is money. People mine gold. So what is the big deal about gold? You can’t eat it, and you can’t do anything with it. Who made this thing up about gold?
I have been a student of alchemy for twenty-five years. Have you ever seen a list of medieval alchemists? The list includes Galileo, Isaac Newton and Leonardo da Vinci. All the early geniuses of science spent much of their life as an alchemist trying to create gold, including the most revered
alchemist of all, Elias Ashmole. Why were they so interested in gold? Ashmole said, “If you know how to prepare gold properly, it is the elixir of immortality.” That’s what all the alchemists said. They devoted their life to preparing gold because it was the “elixir of im- mortality.” What does that mean, and what does that have to do with the heart?
This gets into my criticism of conventional science and thought. We have a way of thinking about the body and the nervous system that I think is wrong. If you ask any neurologist or any doctor how the nervous system works, they’ll describe a lengthy process involv- ing things like neurons, axons, synapses, neurotransmitters and nerve impulses. But try doing the
following experiment. Put your finger out, close your eyes, ask someone to say “right” or “left” and as soon as you hear “right” or “left,” wiggle the tip of that finger in that direction. How long does it take between hearing the word and wiggling your finger? It happens in an instant. (If it takes you a long time, you’ve got a problem. In fact, in people with Parkinson’s disease, Adams-Oliver syndrome and multiple sclerosis, you see that the response is too slow.) The neurologists will tell you that the movement happened because of nerve impulses and neurotransmitters, but those things are just the footprint or the residue of something else that happened.
So the question is, what can go that fast? We have millions of these things happening all at once all the time. Only light can move that fast. It’s the light that transmits impulses down the nerve. We need light in us to move down the nerves to connect us to this “quantum coherent organ- ism,” as it is called in physics. We are a unified organism connected in our entire being through light.
How does this light get generated? It turns out that there is a phenom- enon called superconductivity, which happens predominantly through a group of substances called platinum metal substances and gold. The metal gold can actually exist in two states. The first is the normal, physical gold that we all know about. That means it is an atom, which has a nucleus
Wise Traditions SUMMER 2017