Page 76 - Summer 2017 Journal
P. 76
gether as a group, and we’ve done many experiments. The culmination of those experiments is the discovery that water doesn’t have just three phases, like we’ve been taught. Liquid, solid, gas—it’s got a fourth one.
The fourth one is what we call “EZ water,” or fourth phase water. EZ, which stands for “exclusion zone,” is perhaps a misnomer, but when we first found EZ water, its most obvious property was that it tended to exclude everything, including little particles, microspheres and molecules. You might call it “pure,” but “pure” is really also a misnomer. It’s actually a different kind of water with a different chemical formula. It’s not H20, it’s H3O2.
HG: Is EZ water the one that’s in our bodies?
GP: Yes. It’s the water that fills your cells. This is the kind of water that occurs at interphases with certain types of solids, in fact most solids. Your cells are filled with many solids—large macromolecules, ions and such. Next to all of these entities grows this special water. Your cells are so packed with these molecules that practically every water molecule is close enough to one of those surfaces that it qualifies as interfacial water. That’s the water that is fourth phase, or EZ water, that we discovered.
I have to tell you a few things about this water. It has a couple of outstanding properties. First, while H20 is neutral, this stuff is not neutral. It’s actually negatively charged. Imagine a surface of some material and the water is sitting next to it. The molecules of water sitting next to the
surface—many layers of molecules—undergo a transformation to this fourth phase of water, which has negative charge. What’s going on is that ordinary water molecules split to form negative and positive components. The negative components all line up to produce this zone we call EZ. It’s got negative charge.
Beyond that, where you have ordinary H2O, that’s filled with a complementary positive charge. You have the EZ water (negative), and the ordinary water (positive)—it’s a battery. We can get energy from this battery.
HG: What difference does this fourth phase of water make to us?
GP: The first thing to recognize is that you’re full of fourth-phase water. What you need to understand is what builds this kind of water be- cause this is an ordered phase of water. Building order and separating charge all require energy. Take your cell phone; your battery is running low, and you plug in to rejuvenate. Right? This is the same. In order to get a battery, like we’re
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