Page 80 - Summer 2017 Journal
P. 80
HG: Please say more about that.
GP: It works. A postdoctoral fellow of mine got a job with one of those hyperbaric oxygen therapy companies after he left my laboratory. He started to educate me on it. He said that hyperbaric oxygen therapy was first used by the military. People would have wounds that would not heal, no matter what they did. They put them in this hyperbaric oxygen chamber and they healed. Since then, they’ve found that hyperbaric oxygen is good for so many afflic- tions. We started scratching our heads: “Why is that?” A hypothesis is that the high oxygen and the pressure may build EZ water. We studied this in the lab and published a paper documenting that it is absolutely true. And if you build EZ water, it should improve the function of every organ in your body, at least in theory. This brings me to aspirin.
A lot of people do take aspirin. It’s natural. It comes from the bark of a willow tree, I think. The list of aspirin’s benefits is long. We know that if you have a headache, it takes away your headache. If you have inflammation, it reduces that. It reduces pain and can address allergic reactions. Many studies also show that it is good for your heart. Just last year, a group from Harvard reported that taking aspirin was associ- ated with decreased breast cancer mortality in women with breast cancer. It seems that aspirin may have broad beneficial effects.
The question is, why? If you think about it, there are two possibilities. One is that aspirin has ten different mechanisms of action for ten different conditions. Alternatively, one mecha- nism of action may be dispersed throughout the body. We hypothesized that aspirin builds EZ water and can build EZ water everywhere, not just in your left kidney or whatever. When we tested this hypothesis in the laboratory, we confirmed that aspirin indeed builds EZ water. Our system for testing involved adding a little aspirin in the exclusion zone, or fourth-phase water. The aspirin increased the EZ water by a factor of two or three. We started testing other agents that are generally good for your health, and so far, they all build EZ water.
HG: This is so interesting. The fourth phase of water is an unusual concept for those of us who don’t run in your circles What has been the reaction among your colleagues and peers, meaning scientists, physicists, and so on?
GP: Their reaction has been surprisingly positive. I have been doing science my whole life, and I have a tendency to look into areas that may disagree with conventional thinking. My reasoning is that if you are do- ing research in areas where conventional thinking is okay, why bother? Instead, you might want to look into areas where there may be some dif- ficulties or problems with conventional thinking. That said, I know very well what happens when you propose something that runs against the orthodoxy. You take hell for it, and it manifests itself in many different ways. I expected chemists and physicists to jump all over this work, but to my surprise there have been far fewer negative responses than I expected.
On the other hand, the number of people who have embraced this work is staggering. This has become so popular I almost can’t believe it! I tell my wife how many emails I’m receiving from people I’ve never heard of. About a year ago, it was two or three new people per week, and now it’s two or three new people per day. I can’t handle all of the inquiries. It is gratifying though. I think there are more than eighty reviews on Amazon, and the response has been amazing. The published reviews of the book that I’ve seen are all glowing. What can I say? I’m really pleased with the response and the unexpected popularity of this work.
Protect Larga Vista Family Ranch and Farm!
Please consider giving even just a little towards this fundraiser for one of the oldest and most beloved raw milk dairies in Colorado, who are long-time members of the WAPF. The fundraiser was organized by their faithful customers. The farm has come upon some hard times for reasons explained in the link below. If they are forced to sell the farm, it would be a big blow to southern Colorado and their young sons who, although still young, have shown interest in continuing the dairy.
Please also share this link far and wide. Thank you!
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