Page 41 - Summer 2019 Journal
P. 41

Elevation of ketones may offer neuropro- tection in the treatment or prevention of both Alzheimer’s disease, where therapy is lacking, and Parkinson’s disease, where therapy with L-dopa is time-limited. Up to ninety grams per day of C8 and C10 MCT oil can safely achieve nutritional ketosis to compensate for deteriorat- ing brain glucose in aging.
NAD+ AND CELLULAR ENERGY Ketones increase an activated form of vitamin B3—called NAD+—which is essential for cellular energy production.9 The full name for this coenzyme is nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. NAD+ is a ubiquitous coenzyme that functions primarily as an electron carrier of oxidoreductase in multiple redox reactions. Redox reactions are a primary component of energy creation. Diverse lines of evidence place NAD+ at the center of metabolic health and disease. Notably, both NAD+ homeostasis and its metabolism are thought to play critical roles
in regulating autophagy.10
During cellular energy production, NAD+
is reduced to NADH (another form of NAD). However, ketone-based energy production reduces 64 percent less NAD+ to NADH than glucose-based energy production. This results in significantly increased NAD+, decreased NADH, and an increased NAD+/NADH ra- tio—with more oxidized molecules available for bioenergetic demands.
A ketone-induced increase in the NAD+/ NADH ratio also activates downstream signal- ing pathways that result in an increase in the seven beneficial mammalian sirtuin enzymes— enzymes “associated with major benefits such as longevity and reduced inflammation.”9 The sirtuin enzymes have “clinical potential” in
treatment of a variety of conditions,11 including not just dementia and Parkinson’s disease but also diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteo- porosis, arthritis, epilepsy and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Thus, “increasing NAD is a coveted therapeutic endpoint.”9
NAD+ levels decline markedly with age, creating an energy deficit that decreases the body’s ability to retain youthful function. By age fifty, a person may have only half the NAD+ as in their youth. By age seventy, NAD+ levels drop to 25 percent of that expressed in youth. This decline appears to play a crucial role in the development of metabolic dysfunction and age-related diseases.
Thus, therapy with ketones can enhance brain health and increase overall health via mechanisms related to NAD+ that render cells more resilient against DNA damage and a host of other insults. In short, ketone-induced increases in brain NAD+ serve as a rapid and enduring strategy to halt or even reverse disease progression.
It is now apparent that the increase in the NAD+/NADH ratio that occurs during energy production by ketones is the primary mecha- nism behind the beneficial effects of increased circulating ketones.9 These effects may also be of benefit to healthy individuals.
A recent study demonstrated an increase in the NAD+/NADH ratio resulting from nu- tritional ketosis in twenty-five healthy young men and women.12 Study participants were given a single dose of ten grams of MCT oil (60 percent C8 and 40 percent C10), which resulted in significant changes in NAD metabolic levels
Ketone- induced
increases in brain NAD+ serve as a rapid and enduring strategy to halt or even reverse disease progression.
The body can use coconut oil for energy more rapidly and efficiently than any other fat source. Consistent intake of coconut oil (along with other healthy fats, such as butter, cream, lard, egg yolks and meat fats) provides vital nourishment to every cell in the body and supports optimal brain, hormonal, immune and metabolic function.
There are many easy ways to incorporate coconut oil into your diet. You can add coconut oil to smoothies, put it in hot oatmeal, use it in mayonnaise or salad dressings (in combination with olive oil), add it to mashed potatoes or use as a spread on sourdough toast. To make an easy breakfast smoothie (one serving), combine 1/2 cup fresh or frozen berries in a blender or food processor and process to a puree; add 1 cup plain whole yogurt or kefir, 2 pastured egg yolks and maple syrup (to taste) and slowly add 1 tablespoon warm coconut oil.
Coconut oil is also a healthy cooking oil, remaining stable under moderate cooking temperatures. Use coconut oil as a cooking fat in scrambled eggs, sautéed vegetables, soups, curries (along with coconut milk), sautéed seafood or rice.
Wise Traditions

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