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 The Shop Heard ’‘Round the World DeDdeicdaicteadtedtotoHHeleplipnigngththeeCCoonnsusumeerrObbttaiin Nutrient-Dense FoodssaannddAAcccuurarateteNNuutrtirtiotinonInIfnofromramtiaotnion
Desert Farms - Camel Milk | Nature’s most wholesome dairy beverage! We ship. Order online at or call (310) 430-2096 to place your order. $20 special discount on ALL orders, use discount code: WAPF.
Meadow Maid Foods, 100% grass-fed, grass- finished beef. On pasture year-round at the family ranch in WY. Production practices detailed on our website. Custom beef, Farm- ers markets, and food co-op in Fort Collins., (307) 534-2289.
100% grass-fed raw butter, cheese, and other dairy products, will ship. Also available in Indiana only: 100% grass-fed beef, veal and whey/skim fed pork. Check out our online store for other local products available at Alan & Mary Yegerlehner, Clay City, Indiana (812) 939-3027.
Hopeful Farms raises 100% grass-fed beef, pastured chicken and turkey, and pastured pork. Our animals are not fed hormones, antibiotics, GMOs or soy. Shipping and farm pickup are available. Visit our website: or contact us at fryfarm-
Many Hands Organic Farm in Barre, MA. All products certified organic and free range. Lard, pork, chicken and beef stocks, pork, chicken, turkey and 26 weeks of CSA. No till, nutrient dense. www.mhof. net; (978) 355-2853;
100% soy-free chicken, eggs, pork and beef. Chicken livers, chicken feet and heads. Ba- con and sausage. Raw pet milk. Raw milk blue and cheddar cheese by cheesemaker Sally Fallon Morell. Will ship whole cheese wheels. Southern Maryland, within 1 hour of downtown Annapolis and Washington, DC. Saturday farm tours. Store open Thursday to Saturday 10-6 or by appointment. P. A. Bowen Farmstead, 15701 Doctor Bowen Road, Brandywine, MD. (301) 579-2727,
Nick’s Organic Farm. Grass-fed beef (no grain ever), free range eggs, pastured chicken and turkey. Liver, organ meats, and bones. Organic poultry feed. Pick up in Potomac or Buckeystown. Our livestock are rotated to fresh pastures on our fertile organic soils and receive organic feed, no hormones, antibiot- ics, or animal parts. We raise our cows 100%
grass-fed. We raise our hay, raise and grind our own grain into poultry feed and process our poultry. Quality organic products since 1979. (301) 983-2167, nicksorganicfarm@,
Creswick Farms. Dedicated to raising healthy, happy animals—lovingly cared for just as Mother Nature intended—which provide high-energy, nutritious and deli- cious food sources for health-conscious individuals. No antibiotics, steroids or GMOs ever fed to our animals! (616) 837-9226,
Pastured Pork, Chicken, Beef and Lamb sold from farm or delivered monthly to your home from Grand Rapids to Cadillac; Muskegon to Mt Pleasant. No GMOs, no soy and no chemicals. Come visit the farm! Provision Family Farms, White Cloud. (231) 689- 0457,, farm.html.
Farm On Wheels offers animals raised green grass-fed & certified organic. Nutrient-dense beef, lamb, chicken, eggs, turkey, goose, duck, and pork, No corn or soy. Farm- ers Market year around in St. Paul, Prior Lake, Northfield. Linda (507) 789-6679,,
Nature’s Gourmet Farm raises nutrient dense grass-fed beef, pastured pork, and pastured broilers. Animals are hormone, antibiotic, and GMO free! We service south Missis- sippi, Alabama and Louisiana. For details and order information visit our website at www.
MYS-permitted raw milk on Long Island, from grass-fed pastured Jersey cows. Visitors welcome. 5793 Sound Ave, Riverhead, NY 11901. (631) 722-4241.
Raw milk, cheese, butter, etc. from 100% grass-fed Jersey cows. 100% grass-fed beef and lamb. Pastured pork, chicken and turkey (soy-free options available). Fermented veg- gies and more! Have dropsites in select areas or can ship. Call for details. Pleasant Pastures (717) 768-3437.
Non-GMO pastured pork & chicken, eggs and grass-fed beef. Also 100% A-2, A-2 Guernsey milk, cream and cheese. Will ship Guernsey Cheddar plus Goat Gouda and Cheddar. For more details call
(330) 359-2129 or email thefoodbarn.veg- Wholesome Valley Farm, Wilmot, OH
Sugartree Ridge Grassfed. Openings in 100% grassfed herdshare with nine delivery sites in the Cincinnati area. No grain, no silage. Six- teen cows (cross between Jersies, Guernseys, Brown Swiss and British White) grazed year- round on sixty acres rotating through thirty paddocks (which are allowed to grow for sixty days between grazings and are spread with organic, Albrecht-based mineral supple- ments). Nutrient-dense milk, family-friendly farming and holistic stewardship. 6851 Fair Ridge Road, Hillsboro, OH 45133.
Grass-based biodynamic raw milk dairy offer- ing Jersey Hi-creamline milk, cream, golden butter, cottage cheese and aged cheeses. Soy-free veal and pork seasonally. On farm sales and membership club. Can ship. Sherry and Walt (541) 267-0699.
Grass-fed lamb, pastured Tamworth pork & piglets, pastured chicken, honey, Sheep Camp, farm tours, Adopt-A-Sheep & more. Visit Owens Farm Sunbury, PA, owensfarm. com (570) 286-5309,
Rambling River Pastured Farm - Pastured pork, chicken, duck, turkey. Non-GMO feed. 100% Grass-fed lamb. CSA shares or on-farm sales. Shipping and delivery available. Spe- cial pricing on surplus frozen chicken from 2015. Located near Gettysburg. Contact Meredith at (717) 624-2141.
Raw milk cheese from our grass-fed Jerseys, made on our family farm with Celtic sea salt. No grain feed. Also grass-fed beef and pas- tured chickens, turkeys and eggs. All soy-free, no hormones or synthetics. On-farm sales, will ship cheese. Wil-Ar Farm, Newville, PA (717) 776-6552.
Wentworth Dairy. Grass-fed raw milk, raw milk cheese, free-range eggs, pastured pork, grass-fed beef. We are located 8 miles from MD state line. Family farm, all natural grass-based, Ayrshire and Jersey cows. Rob & Bonnie Wentworth, 1026 River Road, Quarryville, PA 17566, (717) 548-3896.
Salatin family’s Polyface Farm has salad bar beef, pigaerator pork, pastured chickens, turkeys and eggs, and forage-based rabbits. Near Staunton. Some delivery available. Call (540) 885-3590 or (540) 887-8194.
 SUMMER 2017
Wise Traditions

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