Page 42 - Summer 2017 Journal
P. 42
Cost-saving and lifestyle benefits of the Wise Traditions diet include reduced sick time, more energy to complete tasks and projects, more restful sleep and diminished anxiety, depression and other mood disorders.
these everyday products might be harmful—and even carcinogenic—at first can seem absurd to most people.
Research has clearly proven otherwise, however. Important studies conducted in Scotland and Seattle found that the common cosmetic ingredient paraben (in the form of methylparaben, propylparaben or butylparaben) was a significant contributor to breast cancer. Further, these studies conclusively proved that the parabens found “in vivo”—that is, in the actual cancerous breast tumors—originated from personal care products such as deodor- ants, creams and cosmetics.17,18 Other studies, many conducted by the excellent Environmental Working Group (EWG), have produced similar findings. The noted environmental medical physician Sherry Rogers cautions that dermal application of these products “is just like eating them, for they reach the bloodstream as though they had been eaten.”19 In short, the research evidence is now quite undeniable that many of the chemicals added to conventional soaps and cosmetics are clearly carcinogenic and also cause many other damaging symptoms, including asthma, allergies, infertility, dizzi- ness, inability to concentrate, mood changes, depression and memory loss.20
Thankfully there is an easy solution to this problem, which is to replace your regular products with nontoxic alternatives. It is a giant leap in the right direction to shop for laundry detergents, chlorine-free toilet paper, soaps and cosmetics at health food stores instead of drugstores, grocery stores or department stores. However, even health food stores may carry cos- metics containing toxic chemicals. Further, the label does not always include all the ingredients used in these products.
The Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep list, which has reviewed hundreds of cos- metics and other personal care products, is an excellent resource to consult before purchasing such products.21 Additionally, I have maintained a list for over twenty years that contains my recommendations for the best nontoxic cosmetic and hygiene products currently available.22 This “Best Bets” list includes the cleanest and most nontoxic products that not only test well on pa- tients, both clinically and energetically, but also
perform best on skin and hair and are therefore most popular among holistically-oriented indi- viduals. This will hopefully save you money spent on various shampoos that make your hair look like straw!
If you have a toxic chemical history, it is best to follow the guidelines in my 5 Dental Detox Days protocol8 by doubling or tripling your vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for at least five days—and preferably for two weeks or longer—to lessen the withdrawal effects from these xenobiotics. Individuals with a toxic chemical history may include artists, farm- ers, hairstylists, dentists, dental assistants, lab techs, conventional doctors, nurses, printers, firefighters, factory workers and painters—as well as anyone else who has been exposed to toxic chemicals for significant periods of time.
Many Wise Traditions readers have prob-
ably already addressed the obstacle of toxic foods. As those eating a Wise Traditions diet know, the best way to remove an addiction is to replace it with a more pleasurable alternative. In the case of food, nothing is more delicious than a nutrient-dense, high-fat, moderate-protein and properly prepared-carbohydrate diet. Over time, the Wise Traditions diet allows us to detox and heal so substantially that the thought of indulg- ing in refined and sugary junk foods becomes a distant and even unpleasant memory.
The benefits of avoiding toxic foods, in- cluding foods containing genetically modified (GMO) ingredients, are numerous. GMO foods are carcinogenic and contain glyphosate. As de- scribed in the previous section, toxic glyphosate spells double trouble for the gut by disrupting the metabolism of sulfur (which feeds healthy bacteria) and allowing pathogenic bacteria to proliferate.13 By definition, certified organic foods cannot be genetically modified, nor are they laden with pesticides, herbicides, insec- ticides and the thousands of other chemicals already mentioned.
The second most prevalent herbicide pollut- ing our water, soil and foods is atrazine, banned in Europe in 2005. Atrazine disrupts hormones and has been linked to birth defects and several types of cancer.23 In light of the frightening
Wise Traditions