Page 40 - Summer 2017 Journal
P. 40

By concentrating on what we can control, that is, what we allow directly into our bodies and home environments, we can achieve a more optimal level of health over time.
WHAT ARE “OBSTACLES TO CURE?” The brilliant Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843), who was conversant in at least eleven languages and at the youthful age of twelve was tutoring other children in Greek and Latin, founded the field of homeopathic medicine in 1789.1 Hahnemann coined the term “obstacles to cure” after witnessing many of the conventional medical treatments of his day
making patients worse instead of better. Allopathic treatments are antagonistic and suppressive to disease symptoms. In Hahn- emann's time, the most notorious of these al- lopathic remedies was mercury in the form of van Swieten’s liquor (mercuric chloride) and calomel (mercurous chloride). Practitioners in that era extensively used these “universal anti- septic” powders, ointments and injectables to calm teething babies; treat syphilis, gonorrhea, and various skin diseases; dress bandages; spray in operating rooms; and serve as a household cleaning ingredient.2 Although research since has confirmed the extreme toxicity of these products, the mainstream medical establish- ment of the 1700s and 1800s did not tolerate attempts to speak out against their toxicity, and widely criticized Hahnemann as well as other holistic physicians of the time for their
perceived heresy.2
Sadly, conventional allopathic medicine and
the pharmaceutical companies that support it still reign supreme. Modern medicine and den- tistry continue to use mercury in the form of thi- merosal-containing flu and other vaccines and mercury amalgam fillings. Further, the number of other xenobiotics (substances foreign to the body) skyrocketed in the twentieth-century era of “better living through chemistry,” exposing us to numerous adverse effects. Nonetheless, by concentrating on what we can control—that is, what we allow directly into our bodies and home environments—we can achieve a more optimal level of health over time.
The placement of the most toxic non-
radioactive metal on earth in the mouths of children and adults sounds almost ludicrous in the face of modern scientific research, which has clearly correlated mercury with hundreds of
serious illnesses and diseases. Yet the American Dental Association (ADA)—a trade associa- tion representing the interests of conventional dentists—still condones the practice of utilizing “silver” amalgam fillings containing over 50 percent mercury.
Recent Canadian research from the Univer- sity of Calgary dramatically refutes the ADA’s archaic stance by scientifically demonstrating that the mercury in amalgam fillings leaches continuously to the brain, creating the identical neurofibrillary tangles and amyloid plaques seen in Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.3 Surprisingly, testing found that other toxic metals (including aluminum, lead, cadmium and manganese) did not cause these distinct neurological lesions. Boyd Haley, PhD, emeritus professor and department of chemistry chair at the University of Kentucky, has concluded that “Mercury is a primary causative factor in the on- set of Alzheimer’s.”3 Articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals have found clear evidence incontrovertibly linking this dangerous neu- rotoxin to other neurological diseases as well, including Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).4-7
Because of mercury’s very clear and com- pelling correlation with neurological disease, not to mention hundreds of research articles linking mercury toxicity with a multitude of other conditions (including arthritis, anxiety, depression, heart disease and cancer), it is my recommendation that everyone consider having their amalgam fillings removed. This recom- mendation comes with three major caveats, how- ever. First, individuals should only undergo this dental revision procedure when they are healthy enough to excrete the heavy metal from their bodies efficiently. Second, they should identify a well-trained biological dentist skilled and experienced with removal of amalgam fillings. Third, individuals should effectively detoxify before, during and after removal.
My heavy metal detoxification protocol, The 5 Dental Detox Days,8 is based on research showing a statistically significant increase in mercury excretion just after the removal of mercury.9 My clinical observations confirm that well prepared patients respond very well to amalgam removal when they strongly address
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