Page 46 - Summer 2017 Journal
P. 46

regret to say that when they have been driven to some height, it seems to be impossible to invent or devise any curative means for them.1
The theory underlying the field of epigenetics is correct in suggest- ing that we have an enormous capacity to influence our health positively. However, the exceptionally strong modern-day toxic insults that many of us experience necessitate exceptionally strong and effective treat- ments. Fortunately, Dr. Hahnemann’s teachings, along with more recent contributions from homeopathic physicians in Mumbai, India, provide a means for effecting meaningful change. Homeopathy is based on the “law of simillimum” or “like cures like.” For example, the profuse watery eyes and nasal discharges characteristic of hay fever symptoms can be treated with Allium cepa, a remedy made from red onions, which causes the same symptoms from the chemicals released when you cut into them. The itching, burning and swelling symptoms characteristic of acute anaphylaxis that are similar to a bee sting can be treated with Apis mellifica, the remedy made from honeybee venom.
Acute homeopathy—which prescribes remedies for a recent illness or injury—has been very successful over the last few centuries. For example, Arnica montana 30C, available at every health food store, is
excellent after surgery and for treating acute sprains and strains, bruising and head injuries. Homeopathy has even been proven effective for serious acute diseases, such as the 1849 cholera epidemic in Cincinnati, where only 3 percent of the patients treated with homeopathic remedies died, compared to 70 percent of those treated with conventional medicine.34,35
Constitutional homeopathy, on the other hand, involves the use of one remedy intermit- tently throughout life to reduce one’s miasmic weaknesses and susceptibilities, but it has not always been easy to ascertain the correct rem- edy. Thankfully, the new Sensation Method from India, originated by Dr. Rajan Sankaran, Dr. Divya Chhabra, and other medical homeo- paths practicing in Mumbai, is quite effective in determining one’s correct lifetime remedy (described in Chapter 14 of Radical Medicine).20 Interestingly, this method developed in the early twenty-first century shares a realization also
The powerful effects of this style of homeopathy can be illustrated through a brief synopsis of a recent case, which demonstrates that even patients who have lived for decades with serious illness and are on conventional medications can achieve optimal health through removal of the obstacles to a cure. A fifty-year-old female patient diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) contacted me in late 2016. During our first phone consult, I determined that she probably had a dairy allergy because as a child she had had a history of upper respiratory illnesses treated with antibiotics. I recommended testing this dairy sensitivity using the Elimination Challenge protocol. I also discussed Dr. Price’s anthropological research, sent information on adopting the Wise Traditions diet and prescribed an initial gentle dose of my probiotic and enzyme supplements.
At the next phone consult, this woman reported that the results were “pretty amazing”! She had not had a “glimpse” of the IBS and constipation for over a month and reported feeling like she was “coming back to life.” Although she very much wanted to wean herself off of Carafate (an anti-ulcer drug), she was afraid to do so because without it she usually would feel nauseous and throw up. We therefore scheduled a homeopathic consultation.
During the homeopathic interview, this patient described her stomach symptoms as “sharp,” and explained that they often were accompanied by a “massive headache” with dizziness. She experienced these latter symptoms as “light,” “bright,” and like “my head’s got to pop or explode all of a sudden.” When asked about the RA sensations, she described feelings of “tingling,” “burning” and “achy weakness” that were similar to “being pinched repeatedly.”
Using the Sensation Method, which includes visualizations and other techniques to reach the patient’s unconscious level, I determined that her symptoms matched the experience of an electrical shock. Thus, I prescribed Electricitas 1M. At the next follow-up, the patient reported that she had been really sick the first day after taking the remedy but fine thereafter. (This “retracing of symptoms”—or in homeopathic parlance, “aggravation”—is not uncommon and is com- pletely appropriate after an initial dose.) The patient also reported having successfully taken herself off Carafate. Whereas in the past she would be sick for days when she tried this, she now “felt great.” She stated that she had never wanted to use medicine as a crutch but had been scared to get off of her medications. She also had been on Methotrexate for a period of time as an anti-rheumatic, and had been considering getting the required tuberculosis and cancer tests that would allow her to take Humira for her painful RA symptoms.
Post-homeopathy, the patient reported that she had lost (a desired) eleven pounds, stating “I have never felt better in my life!” Despite having worked with allopaths for years and not having much experience with naturopathic doctors, she declared, “I am now a believer in nothing but holistic medicine!” Follow-ups since then confirm that she continues to be symptom-free.
Wise Traditions

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