Page 47 - Summer 2017 Journal
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attained by modern psychospiritual schools of healing (including Somatic Experiencing by Peter Levine, Hameed Ali's Diamond Approach, transpersonal psychology as described by John Welwood and others, and rebirthing and other forms of breath work)—namely, that healing occurs most profoundly at the sensation level. That is, the felt sense of trauma and other nega- tive experiences in life, such as feeling “tight,” “heavy,” “squeezed,” “burned,” “trapped,” “pressured,” and so forth, are stored in our unconscious.
Far from being buried, unconscious feel- ings express themselves continuously in our lives through physical, mental and emotional symptoms. When individuals are able to feel and experience these deep sensations through qual- ity psychotherapeutic methods, they can achieve very real and positive changes in their lives. Similarly, when a trained homeopath can deter- mine the exact sensations that characterize the state of the individual through a carefully taken case, the homeopath can match and prescribe the correct constitutional homeopathic remedy. Dr. Carl Jung’s brilliant comment on this topic is appropriate to the fields of both psychology and homeopathy. Jung stated, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate [or symptoms].”36
More information about the Sensation Method is available from the New York School of Homeopathy37 and Synergy Homeopathic.38
I wish I could report that every case is as
easy to cure as the homeopathic example on page 46 (sidebar). For many people, however, it is challenging to recover from the modern-day holocaust of toxic agricultural, medical and den- tal practices. In fact, getting well can sometimes entail years of patience and perseverance, and the courage to take the necessary measures to detoxify and regenerate tissue. However, if you educate yourself about these twentieth-century toxins, you will realize that the research evi- dence is irrefutable that these five obstacles to cure are at the root of chronic symptoms and ill health. With that understanding, you can draw on resources such as the Weston A. Price Foun- dation and knowledgeable holistic practitioners
and make a commitment to reverse what has been done to your body. Over time, this becomes easier, and achieving optimal health can become a reality.
Louisa L. Williams, MS, DC, ND, is the author of Radical Medicine, over twenty teaching manuals, and four eBooks. She originated her own energetic testing method, Matrix Reflex Testing (MRT), and teaches basic and advanced MRT classes in the U.S. and Europe. Dr. Wil- liams also formulated the probiotic CHAMP Pro Plus and the Pan Energy enzyme supple- ment. Dr. Williams practices in Austin, TX, and can be reached at
1. Hahnemann S. Organon of the Medical Art, ed. W.
O’Reilly. Palo Alto, CA: Birdcage Books, 1996. 2. Olmsted D, Blaxill M. The Age of Autism. New
York, NY: Thomas Dunne Books, 2010.
3. Lorscheider FL, Leong CCW, Syed NI. How mercury causes brain neuron degeneration [video].
University of Calgary. 4. Biernat H, Ellias SA, Wermuth L, et al. Tremor frequency patterns in mercury vapor exposure, compared with early Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor. Neurotoxicology 1999;20(6):
5. Li H, Shen X-M, Dryhurst G. Brain mitochondria
catalyze the oxidation intermediates that irreversibly inhibit Complex I and scavenge glu- tathione: potential relevance to the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease. J Neurochem 1998;71(5): 2049-62.
6. Ingalls TH. Triggers for multiple sclerosis. Lancet 1986;2(8499): 160.
7. Redhe O, Pleva J. Recovery from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and from allergy after removal of dental amalgam fillings. Int J Risk Saf Med 1994;4(3): 229-36.
8. Williams L. The 5 dental detox days: a naturo- pathic doctor’s guide to effective detoxification of mercury amalgam fillings. http://www.radi-
9. Summers AO, Wireman J, Vimy MJ, et al. Mercury released from dental “silver” fillings provokes an increase in mercury- and antibiotic-resistant bacteria in oral and intestinal floras of primates. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1993;37(4): 825-34.
10. Berkson D. Hormone Deception. Chicago, IL: Contemporary Books, 2000.
11. Steingraber S. Living Downstream. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1997.
12. Colborn T. Our Stolen Future. New York, NY:
Dutton, 1996.
13. Samsel A, Seneff S. Glyphosate’s suppression
of cytochrome P450 enzymes and amino acid
well can sometimes entail one or more years
of great patience and perseverance, and the courage to go through the necessary measures to detoxify and regenerate tissue.
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