Page 5 - Summer 2017 Journal
P. 5

Just a note to let you know how
this Foundation helped me. I used to suffer from a stomach ulcer. I went to the doctor and all they did was push pills. I suffered for about twenty years.
In 2007, I was on the Internet researching ways to heal it naturally. I stumbled upon your site, and it changed my life!
I'm a farm girl and I read how good raw milk is for you. I thought to myself, Icanmilk!SoIgotamilkcowandmilk goats and my ulcer healed. That was nine years ago.
This weekend I went to my first Mother Earth fair and had a blast! I found your booth and want to join. Thank you for all you do!
Robin Sharp Grafton, West Virginia
The current school of medical thought believes that the injection of vaccine ingredients makes children healthier by preventing disease symp- toms from appearing. However accord- ing to the classical hygienic school of health (which is based on experience rather than belief), the symptoms we associate with diseases are not the diseases, they are the mechanisms by which the body externalizes (gets rid of) toxins (or “disease”). As Hip- pocrates famously said, “We call them diseases, but they are the cure of dis- eases.” From that perspective, vaccines do not prevent disease; rather vaccines cause illness.
Childhood vaccination is an eigh- teenth-century medical procedure that
injects toxins such as bacteria, viruses, various drugs and synthetic (unnatural) chemicals deep into a child’s body. This is a bizarre procedure that drives these substances so deep that the child is unable to externalize the poisons—in other words, in most cases, the child has no symptoms. The child becomes sick on a very deep level and as a result is more likely to be weaker, less healthy and more prone to chronic and lifelong diseases.
Research bears out the hygienic school’s approach to wellness: in every study ever done comparing vaccinated to non-vaccinated children, non-vac- cinated children are healthier than the vaccinated children, or conversely the vaccinated children are sicker than the non-vaccinated children.
Children who are permitted to get sick naturally with “childhood dis- eases” as nature intended, and experi- ence the symptoms of acute illness that include fever, vomiting, skin eruptions, diarrhea, etc. which are dramatic, un- comfortable and annoying but almost always temporary when properly man- aged—have less cancer, less heart dis- ease and less chronic illness as children and as adults.
Why? Because acute disease de- toxifies and cleanses the body. Since ancient times, physical, intellectual and emotional growth spurts have been noticed after a child goes through an acute illness.
In our “scientific” arrogance, we have forgotten to respect the wisdom of the body, God-given wisdom, nature, the innate (inborn) intelligence of the body, or whatever term you wish to use. Our incredibly sophisticated body
has a reason for generating symptoms, especially in children, and we must respect the natural cycles of life and work with them, knowing they are there for a reason far beyond our limited scientific, intellectual understanding. Simply stated, the choice is clear; in order to have healthier children, do not vaccinate them.
Vaccines make our children seri- ously sick—the U.S. government has paid over three billion dollars to com- pensate the families of children who were killed or left seriously damaged after routine vaccination. This number reflects only a fraction (only 1-2 percent or less according to some studies) of the damage that occurs, because pediatri- cians rarely report vaccine injuries.
Serious damage from vaccination is acknowledged. Just read the pharma- ceutical product inserts that come with vaccines—and not generally given to parents—and you’ll read some pretty nasty things observed after vaccination including encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), all kinds of immunological and neurological conditions, plus death (crib death and SIDS). Let us not forget conditions as varied as allergies and autism—which were rare before vac- cination.
Do the theoretical benefits of vaccination outweigh the real risks? Absolutely not. Death from diseases of childhood were at least 98 percent gone before vaccines were in mass usage because of improved living conditions. Vaccines never prevented death from childhood or other illness, and that includes the darlings of vaccination proponents—polio and smallpox. Look behind the curtain and you’ll discover
 Wise Traditions

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