Page 6 - Summer 2017 Journal
P. 6
the vaccines had no effect on eliminat- ing these diseases, and in fact increased their occurrence.
Do I recommend you vaccinate your children? Only if you want to risk autism, immune system damage, a chronically sick child, mental and brain disorders, and increased chances of heart disease and cancer as an adult—and receive no benefit. In one word–don’t! There are no benefits— only risks. There are zero good reasons to vaccinate a child.
Tedd Koren, DC Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania
Recently here in the UK, a farmer named Ernie Durose had his cows test “positive” to the fraudulent TB test, leading to the slaughter of his herd. Officials blame the TB on infection by a badger. However, I believe that bovine TB is not coming into the body from outside, but rather that it is com- ing out, and that it is a natural immune response. The mistake that we make is
to translate this immune response into a disease, which is not the case at all.
Without even seeing his cows, I would guess that Farmer Durose's cows were healthy animals, not sick animals. I believe that when we inject a cow with foreign matter (as in the TB skin test), the immune system will detect this foreign matter and will then try to repair it (eating it up or walling it off), which it does by generating bacteria from within, in the sense of an internal metamorphosis. This is the beginnings of TB. This means that it is coming from within, not coming from outside of the body.
They say that the mode of trans- mission from badger to cow remains unknown, but I claim that it is not only unknown, it does not even exist outside of the body. Cow-to-cow transmission is assumed, meaning it is theoretical, but this does not and cannot happen in the sense of disease-causing bacteria coming from the environment. This is because environmental bacteria are not the same as TB generated from within. If this is so, then to slaughter cattle, based on a test that generates TB through the foreign matter contained in the test itself, is sheer madness. The academics and vets have got this TB process the wrong way around. This is why their thinking and their science is stagnant, and so they have absolutely nowhere to go.
There’s no need to mass-slaughter healthy animals since TB was never infectious. It's a monumental blunder, but as we all know, the academics can- not turn around and rectify their mis- takes. Clearly, the conflicts of interest involved in this issue are a far bigger problem than bovine TB. The main
issue is that the science should come before the politics, but in this issue, the politics are driving the science, and that is a recipe for a total disaster. The end product: a pointless war on the natural world.
John Wantling Rochdale, UK
In August last year, I was with my
father while he had surgery to explore an aggressive growth on his pancreas. We were not surprised to learn that the growth was, in fact, pancreatic cancer, the “worst case scenario.” Up until this point my dad had been one of the healthiest people I knew, biking ten or more miles every day, rain or shine; felling trees and chopping wood; fixing all manner of things; riding his motor- cycle (which he had recently purchased at seventy-eight years young), loving life, and especially loving and caring full time for my mother (she has fallen into a sad state of dementia these last ten years); planning for the future in which he hoped to be free to fly kites and go on bike rides again with his kids and grandkids.
But that day last summer took his life away. The surgeon removed half of his pancreas, a vital organ. But it wasn't the cancer that killed him; in fact, just four months later he was cancer-free! He had recruited me to help him come up with a plan to beat the cancer us- ing alternative therapies. We found a functional medicine doctor in his home state of Wisconsin who helped him with our protocol which included low-dose naltrexone, high doses of vitamin C, alpha lipoic acid, CBD oil, pancreatic enzymes, and a mostly
We have created a closed Face- book group for WAPF members who are interested in connecting with each other and with chapter leaders worldwide. This is a perfect forum for advice on how to implement the Wise Traditions diet or to ask par- ticular questions about Nourishing Traditions' or other similar recipes. Go to stonapricefoundation/ or look up “The Weston A. Price Foundation Members’ Group” and ask to join today!
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