Page 5 - Summer 2019 Journal
P. 5

According to a new study, children with autism tend to have rapid head growth from six to twelve months. Re- sults of this interesting study showed that infants who had rapidly accelerat- ing head circumference growth until about twelve months, and whose head growth rate decelerated between twelve and twenty-four months, were more likely to be autistic than infants with more typical head circumference trajec- tories ( PMC3612537/).
So what makes the head swell up unnaturally in the first year of life? To answer that question, you have to answer this question: what happens in the first year of life? The investigators diplomatically did not ask that question (like Andy Wakefield did).
Occam’s razor offers us the most obvious explanation. A huge quantity of vaccines administered in quick suc- cession starting birth through twelve
months causes baby’s brain membranes (meninges) to swell rapidly and the head to expand disproportionately com- pared with the body. It’s a miracle the head does not explode. With vaccines administered in rapid fire succession, the infant body has almost no chance to recover from the prior injury before the next one is inflicted upon it. Vac- cine adjuvants, toxins, preservatives and contaminants are known to cause a massive inflammatory response in a nascent body ill-prepared to handle such an onslaught.
We know this because the vaccine inserts say so, vaccine court reports verify this and over four billion dollars have been handed out in reparations for such injuries. In fact, vaccines are designed to cause this kind of response, else antibodies would not be formed. The question this begs is, antibodies to what? Sadly the answer is, the anti- bodies attack just about everything in the body, in particular, critical parts of the developing brain. At around twelve
months of age, the vaccines taper off a bit, as does the inflammation, but for many children, the damage is done. The growth and development that occurs in those twelve months is critical to the child’s future. There is no going back.
For folks who choose to vaccinate, I’d recommend you check your baby’s head circumference regularly. If the baby started out with a head circum- ference in the fiftieth percentile and rapidly went up to the ninety-seventh, consider the possibility that you might not have a powerful brain growing in there, but evidence of inflammation and damage. Observant parents will stop vaccinating after the first time they see this happening, and might still be able to salvage their child’s health. Many parents are simply told by their pediatricians (who are bonused heav- ily on vaccine compliance) that this is normal and natural. As a matter of fact, many mothers I know are told by their husbands that they are imagining this. However, it is real, measurable and
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