Page 6 - Summer 2019 Journal
P. 6

   neither natural nor normal.
For parents of unvaxxed children
whose child’s head grows suddenly and faster than their previous norm, look for antibiotic exposure, mercury in mom, lead, glyphosate and other environmental exposures. A poison is a poison, wherever, whenever, however administered.
Since autism affects more boys than girls, the researchers also checked for gender differences between boys versus girls. And sure enough, the heads of boys in this group swelled up much more and at a faster rate than heads of girls
When I go to the park here, I see so many children with huge heads, it seems like it is practically the norm now. Pretty soon the reference ranges will be changed to reflect this new normal, the hyper-vaxxed head. And your smaller-headed unvaxxed baby will be the odd duck. A misfit. It’s a strange social phenomenon, that if everybody is like everybody else, the pain of autism syndrome disorder (ASD) becomes more acceptable. The Joneses effect takes hold and parents don’t really seem to mind so much that this is a deleterious thing happening to their own child. I find that many parents are much more accepting of the autism diagnosis in their child today, as com- pared to a decade ago, simply because so many children they know have it. If everybody is in the same straits, it somehow becomes okay. Autism then becomes the default position—and an acceptable position. Children with au- tism are labeled as different, not ill or damaged. Their condition is labeled as
mental, not physical. But they are not “different”—they are injured. They are not mentally ill, they are physically ill.
From this point on, the multibillion dollar “treatment” industry kicks in. But all their efforts do not “treat” the child. They actually make them sicker. Ritalin, Risperdal, Effexor, anti-seizure meds, uppers, downers, antibiotics, an- tifungals, antivirals. Autistic children die at a much higher rate than normal kids. After the diagnosis, parents go out and seek various concessions from schools, behavior therapists, govern- ments and finally special institutions, the whole enchilada of services hawked to these damaged children, none of which addresses or even remotely refers to the root cause. Since when did we become so purposefully blind to the most vulnerable amongst us?
Sushama Gokhale Sebastopol, California
AUTISM AND VACCINATIONS The Kendall Nelson article in Vac- cination Updates (Winter 2018) struck a chord with me when it addressed the frequency of vaccinations as correlated to the rate of autism in the context of a couple of decades ago. In 1967 I was dating a young woman at Indiana University who was studying speech therapy. She intended to use her skills to help autistic children, which was the first time I had heard of the disorder. I visited her in French Link, Indiana, where she got a summer job work- ing with autistic children in a state- supported institution, which was the only place she could find that provided treatment for autistic children. Prior to
her graduation in 1969, there were no opportunities in her desired profession because autism was so rare; she had to switch to special education.
Lawrence Mayhew Spring Green, Wisconsin
After three years on the birth con- trol pill, I noticed that my menstrual cycle was not only barely returning but was actually disappearing with one anovulatory period every three, five, six months, and then nothing for over a year. Tests showed that I had developed polycystic ovaries and stage 3+ adrenal fatigue, which gradually worsened until I was almost housebound.
I tried herbal tinctures, organic vegetarian and vegan diets with green smoothies, but all to no avail. I did no- tice clearer skin and better immunity and digestion but no progress with my hormonal health or energy. So there I was, a disabled, infertile twenty-six- year-old with big dreams turned to dust.
Then, my cousin recommended the book Healing our Children, which got me onto traditional diet protocols. I implemented organ meats, ghee, fer- mented cod liver oil-butter oil blend, and unhomogenized milk (raw milk was not available in Australia then).
A few months after, I moved to Peru and I started drinking one liter of fresh, pastured raw milk daily. The milk came from a small farm around the corner. After two or three months, I noticed my hair was growing back around my forehead and my skin was shinier. After six months on raw milk,
 Wise Traditions

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