Page 10 - Spring2018
P. 10


         soy block absorption of minerals and  and form little balls. Let them set, they  youngest went through five years of
         the trypsin inhibitors block production  keep for a very long time and can also  treatment for leukemia, I stumbled
         of digestive enzymes. Consumption of  be frozen. Add these marrow balls as a  upon your  work. I began to  make
         soy products may be related to cancer  garnish to soups, traditionally wedding  changes in how I shopped and cooked
         of the pancreas and other cancers. Soy  soups have marrow balls in them in  for my family. I have not looked back!
         was not and never will be a food our  Germany.                       We are all well-nourished and healthy
         body can healthfully utilize.                           Anita Reusch  now and rarely get sick. We’ve been
             Drinking soy milk, eating soy              Eifel Chapter, Germany  drinking raw milk for eight years now.
         products and the “man boobs”—gyne-                                   We love it!
         comastia—that many of our teenage  AMAZING CONFERENCE                                   Brenda Veltman
         boys experience are related. A search     I know  that putting  together  a              Ada, Michigan
         of Environmental Health Perspectives  conference of the magnitude that you
         brings up articles regarding the longer-  all do, coupled with the amazing effort  RAW MILK KEFIR
         term consequences of feeding soy  put into the menus and meals, must be     Thank you for your timely articles
         infant formula to male and female in-  extremely labor-intensive and certainly  in your journal. As a child, I had raw
         fants. Soy products contain isoflavones,  not lost on me. This last conference was  milk until about six years of age, when
         which are estrogenic and no matter how  my first, and I found it so impressive  we moved to a rural area. Our new
         you spin it, these exogenous estrogens  that I am not only looking forward to  neighbors were not dairy farmers so
         have no place in a child’s diet. I strongly  the next with anticipation, but hope I  we bought milk in the store until I was
         applaud and support the vigilant efforts  can attend every one in the future after  about eighteen. At that time we started
         of the Weston A. Price Foundation  that, too!                        getting raw Jersey milk delivered and
         and their members as a public service              Paula Shaffer, LAc  we started moving back to the old ways
         in educating the consumer about the             Hampstead, Maryland  of preparing food—homemade butter,
         dangers of soy products.                                             grass-fed meats, etc.—although I was
                         Sylvia Onusic, PhD  SCHOLARSHIPS                     still addicted to boxed cereals and pack-
                      Portage, Pennsylvania     Thank you for the scholarships to  aged snacks. I had lots of acne and dry
                                            attend the Wise Traditions conference  skin problems, low blood sugar and
         BONE MARROW BALLS                  in Minneapolis. My husband and I  difficult menstruation.
             Thanks for another great issue of  would never have had this opportunity     Fast forward ten years. I am now
         Wise Traditions. In reference to the  without your financial support. I en-  married with three children. I’ve added
         article about bone marrow helping  joyed volunteering for the farm class  cod liver oil to our daily diet and am
         leukemia patients (Winter, 2017), I  and Robert took tickets at the meals.  eating mostly gluten free. Now our nu-
         would like to share my recipe for mar-     We were both excited to learn so  tritionist told us to go off dairy, except
         row balls. Take four beef shank bones,  much about food preparation and ag-  for goat milk. So we got our own goat.
         spoon out the marrow and melt it over  riculture. I pray it will have an affect  Well, goat’s milk did not taste good to
         low heat. Strain off the cracklings  on our small farming operation in the  me, so I virtually quit drinking milk.
         (they´re crunchy and tasty) and stir in  future.                     As the fall months went on, I noticed
         bread crumbs, until all the marrow is                 Mary Lou Witt  I was increasingly fatigued, with fre-
         soaked up, one cup and a half or so.                Macksburg, Iowa  quent headaches and very interrupted
         The better quality the bread crumbs the                              sleep. My cycles were heavy with bad
         tastier the balls.                 WE LOVE RAW MILK!                 moods. My five-year-old daughter was
             Now season with salt, pepper,     Your organization has changed our  also very moody and needed daily naps
         nutmeg, parsley and chives and let  lives—we appreciate all you do!  again, and her imaginative playing had
         cool. Then add two to three egg yolks     About ten years ago, after my  disappeared.

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