Page 8 - Spring2018
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         day, in any given location in the world:  and lungs via the blood stream. Since  and his outspoken advocacy against
         the  Sun  or  Moon  Altitute/Azimuth  aluminum has been found in high  mercury in medicine and dentistry can
         Table (  concentrations in chemtrails, the pos-  also be found on YouTube. His product
         docs/AltAz.php). I’ve gone here to be  sibility of their influence is great since  was available as an over-the-counter
         aware of which days I can make vitamin  the air we breathe is regularly filled  supplement from 2008 to 2010, when
         D each year. In my particular location  with aluminum. The effect may even  it was known as OSR or Oxidative
         (NW Washington state) this year, the  be more profound since the aluminum  Stress Relief. It was popular among the
         sun will be at fifty degrees from April  is processed to make particles smaller  biological dentistry community. It was
         12th through August 30th, and on these  (nanoparticles).             pulled from the over-the-counter mar-
         (first and last) dates, only for about     Many of my patients suffer from  ket at the request of the FDA, at which
         twenty minutes or so right around 1 PM  dental complaints that were referred  point Dr. Haley began the lengthy and
         (adjusted from noon because of daylight  from sinus inflammation; when treated  expensive FDA approval process. The
         savings time). On June 21st, the sun is  to eliminate the aluminum, their com-  product has passed safety testing and is
         at fifty degrees from about 10:40 AM  plaints are resolved. Many of the same  now undergoing efficacy testing.
         until about 3:50 PM. For my relatives  patients have experienced unresolved     When approved, it will be sold
         in Texas, the “vitamin D” dates are  coughing for an extended time that  under the name Irminix by Dr. Haley’s
         February 21st through November 20th.  resolved with elimination of aluminum  company, EmeraMed, by prescription
             It’s just bothered me knowing of  from their body. The increased frequen-  only. Pending approval, this drug is
         people who have intentionally spent  cy in these findings is remarkable. Of  available now as an “Investigative New
         time in the sun in order to make vitamin  course, I am sensitized to the issue and  Drug” for short-term “compassionate
         D, but have done it early or late day, or  am looking for the relationship. Unfor-  use” in the U.S. and in Switzerland,
         during times of the year that we can’t  tunately, it is not commonly considered  to physicians who seek “early access”
         make any (because they just didn’t  as a part of a differential diagnosos.  for a “named patient” with a serious
         know), and it certainly doesn’t help that        Michael Baylin, DDS  condition. Information on early access
         radio announcements and other media              Baltimore, Maryland  can be found at the company’s website:
         sources mislead people because they                        
         are unaware of these facts.        PRESCRIPTION MERCURY                                    Kris Homme
                                      VK    CHELATOR                                          Berkeley, California
                    Bellingham, Washington     Chronic mercury toxicity is a
                                            complex, nonlinear, and idiosyncratic  PANDAS
         ALUMINUM IN THE BRAIN              phenomenon; and detox products, no     A little over a year ago my quirky,
             I continue to enjoy reading Wise  matter how well designed, will never be  spirited and brilliant seven-year-old
         Traditions, especially Caustic Com-  as effective as prevention. Nonetheless,  son started to experience some really
         mentary. In the winter 2017 issue it  readers may be interested in the follow-  weird symptoms. He complained often
         states, “There is only one way the alu-  ing. Mercury scientist Boyd Haley has  about tingling in his hands and feet. He
         minum could have gotten into the brain  developed a synthetic mercury chelator/  started falling a lot and he complained
         in such quantity—by injection directly  antioxidant that is undergoing approval  that his legs stopped working from time
         into the blood through vaccination.”   by the U.S. FDA and the equivalent  to time. He couldn’t get into a restful
             Actually, aluminum passes directly  agency in Europe. The product is de-  state for the EEG and I refused an MRI
         into the brain by a process known as  scribed in the scientific literature under  until we had more information.
         axonal transport by way of the nose  its chemical name, NBMI, at PubMed     I did ask for his heavy metals to be
         or olfactory nerve. Other pathways  22573916.                        tested and his arsenic level was really
         include a direct path via the sinus and     Dr. Haley was profiled in the 2015  high, but we never figured out what that
         by an indirect path through the sinuses  documentary film, Evidence of Harm,  was all about. I was told that people on

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