Page 6 - Spring2018
P. 6


         Let’s see, how can a diet devoid of B  who bring raw milk in from the coun-  photo of the white drink in the baggie)
         vitamins cause mass murders? Well,  tryside. They are depicted in pictur-  which is a version of horchata (a drink
         when you look into a textbook of human  esque postcards, and you still see them  made from rice in Mexico) made with
         physiology, you will find that BCDS in  with the cans of milk on carts pulled by  jicaro seeds (a strange tree only found
         young people most often starts out as  donkeys. My teacher said she is sure  in Mexico and Central America, with
         depression. It can quickly worsen to  they water the milk down a lot and she  these green “cannonball” fruits that
         nervousness, irritability, anxiety, men-  won’t buy it from them. She also says  almost nothing living near it except
         tal fatigue, severe depression, manic  that people boil it at home, so I think  humans and horses can crack open,
         depression, paranoiac thinking and  the message they get is to pasteurize it
         an overwhelming fear that something  themselves. She also said they come in  centia_alata). I am not sure how many
         horrible is about to happen. But worse,  the morning and if you don’t use the  of these beverages are made in truly
         over time it can cause morbid fears, rage  milk by the time it’s hot, it’s spoiled.  traditional ways. (See photos, page 5.)
         and hostility.                     I assume she is talking about homes                    Jill Nienhiser
             Does this sound like Connecticut,  that don’t have refrigeration, or maybe      Managua, Nicaragua
         the movie theater in Colorado, Oregon,  the tradition is that you get it at room
         Florida and others? Yes, it does! And  temperature and use it that morning.  THE NEED FOR SUN
         most experts, including medical ex-     You can buy all kinds of things     I saw the letter to the editor in
         perts, parents, neurologists and more  from these carts. There is a guy who  the last journal (Winter, 2017), about
         are completely unaware of the emo-  juices oranges from a cart he bikes  getting vitamin D from the sun, in
         tional changes going on in the brains of  around with. He offers you ice and  response to Dr. Seneff’s article. The
         adolescents thanks to the SAD and the  sugar if you want, and pours the juice  writer was wondering what amount of
         faulty brain chemistry brought about  into a baggie, and then inserts a straw  sun exposure is safe and made some of
         by BCDS—yes, completely unaware!  and ties the baggie around it.     his own calculations to help determine
         Too often they are educated out of     I also got some chicha from an-  that. I have a few reservations about the
         the brains they were born with or are  other who had a variety of juices in bag-  writer’s recommendations.
         brainwashed by the pharmaceutical  gies (not squeezed fresh in that moment,     In addition to some of WAPF’s
         industry that continues to pump more  just ready to go), which I understood  articles, I’ve read some of Dr. Mercola’s
         and more poison into our kids and ado-  had corn (maiz) in it but not sure what  articles about vitamin D from the sun.
         lescents. Most of the time they simply  else. I asked about the pink color and  He gives advice for safely spending
         cannot believe that BCDS can produce  he said, I think, vanilla, which wouldn’t  time in the sun and how much time is
         these brain changes, or that B vitamins  give it a pink color. I pressed and he  adequate. He also talks about the many
         can help treat the brain by addressing  said strawberry, but it didn’t much taste  health benefits of (safe) sun exposure,
         the underlying cause of emotional   like it. I suspect red food coloring (after  including for the eyes and for the reduc-
         problems.                          having googled chicha and seeing the  tion of stress, among many other things.
                            Dr. Bruce West  many types of recipes that get called     The biggest thing I noticed in
                       Monterey, California  chicha throughout Central and South  the letter was the recommendation to
                                            America).                         avoid mid-day sun, not necessarily
         LECHEROS                              Finally, I’ve also tried pinolillo,  completely, but to get more of our sun
             I am taking Spanish lessons with  which is ground toasted corn and  exposure in order to absorb vitamin D
         a private tutor here in Nicaragua who  ground cacao (so it’s sludgy) mixed  closer to 10 AM and 3 PM, when the
         runs a bakery, and have been so disap-  with milk or water and sugar—so popu-  sun is at a thirty-degree angle or so in
         pointed to find only UHT milk in the  lar the Nicaraguans call themselves  the sky. According to Dr. Mercola, we
         stores. There are people called lecheros  pinolleros—and semilla de jicaro (the  can’t synthesize vitamin D from the sun

         4                                          Wise Traditions                               SPRING 2018
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