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                            for WiseTraditions                                                   Non Profit Org.                       Wise T
                           in Food, Farming and the healing arts                                  U.S. Postage                                      Wise Traditions
                           Education  Research  Activism                                           PAID
           PmB 106-380, 4200 Wisconsin avenue, nW                                                Suburban, MD
           Washington, dc 20016                                                                    Permit 4889                                             in Food, Farming and the healing arts
                                                                                                                                                             A PublicATion oF The WesTon A. Price FoundATion         ®

                                                                                                                                                                           Education  Research  Activism

                                                                                                                                                 Volume 19 Number 1                                                         Spring 2018

                                                                                                                                              MERCURY AS ANTINUTRIENT                                                        Page 14
                                                                                                                                              Sara Russell and Kristin Homme describe the insidious role of mercury in illness.

                                                                                                                                              THE THIMEROSAL TRAVESTY                                                        Page 29
                                                                                                                                              Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. dismantles the false narrative about thimerosal safety.

                                                                                                                                              THIMEROSAL AND THE BRAIN                                                       Page 36
                                                                                                                                              Janet Kern and coauthors explain what thimerosal does to the developing brain.

                 The WesTon A. Price FoundATion                                                          ®                                    POISONING OUR CHILDREN                                                         Page 40
                                                                                                                                              Sylvia Onusic pinpoints sources of mercury that affect our children.
                                                                                                                                         Spring  2018
                               for WiseTraditions                                                                                             USING THE CUTLER PROTOCOL                                                      Page 49
                                                                                                                                              Rebecca Rust Less spells out the ins and outs of using the protocol to chelate mercury.
                                           in Food, Farming and the healing arts
                                               Education  Research  Activism                                                                A HOLISTIC DENTIST’S ODYSSEY                                                   Page 57
                                                                                                                                              Carl McMillan describes the journey from dental school to a mercury-free dental practice.

              NUTRIENT DENSE FOODS                   TRADITIONAL FATS
                                                                                     LACTO-FERMENTATION                                       PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE               Page 2      TIM’S DVD REVIEWS                 Page 92
                BROTH IS BEAUTIFUL              A CAMPAIGN FOR REAL MILK
                                                                                      TRUTH IN LABELING                                       LETTERS                           Page 3
               PREPARED PARENTING                        SOY ALERT!                    LIFE-GIVING WATER                                                                                    LEGISLATIVE UPDATES               Page 99

                NON-TOXIC FARMING                 PASTURE-FED LIVESTOCK              NURTURING THERAPIES                                      CAUSTIC COMMENTARY                Page 11     A CAMPAIGN FOR REAL MILK          Page 102

                                            COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE                                                                   READING BETWEEN THE LINES         Page 63     RAW MILK UPDATES                  Page 105
                                                                                                                                              THE WISE TRADITIONS PANTRY        Page 66     HEALTHY BABY GALLERY              Page 108
                                                                                                                                              HOMEOPATHY JOURNAL                Page 69     LOCAL CHAPTERS                    Page 109
                                                                                                                                              TECHNOLOGY AS SERVANT             Page 72     SHOP HEARD ‘ROUND THE WORLD  Page 121
                                                                                                                                              WAPF PODCAST INTERVIEW            Page 76     MEMBERSHIP                            Page 140
                                                                                                                           Volume 19 Number 1
                             You teach, you teach, you teach!                                                                                 ALL THUMBS BOOK REVIEWS           Page 83     UPCOMING EVENTS                       Page 141

                                     Last words of Dr. Weston A. Price, January 23, 1948

                                                                                           Printed on Recycled Offset
                                                                         Printed with soy ink - an appropriate use of soy
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