Page 2 - Fall2013
P. 2

NutRieNt-deNse FOOds         tRaditiONal Fats         laCtO-FeRMeNtatiON         bROth is beautiFul

 The WesTon A. Price FoundATion ®  Wise T                                                       $12 US
         for WiseTraditions  Non Profit Org.  Wise
        in Food, Farming and the healing arts  U.S. Postage
 Education  Research  Activism  PAID
   #106-380 4200 Wisconsin avenue, nW   Suburban, MD
     Washington, dc 20016  Permit 4889  raditions

                                 in Food, Farming and the healing arts

                  Volume 14 Number 3                                                                Fall 2013

 The WesTon A. Price FoundATion ®  Fall 2013  a CaMPaigN FOR Real Milk             PastuRe-Fed liVestOCk             liFe-giViNg wateR           COMMuNity suPPORted agRiCultuRe      sOy aleRt!                tRuth iN labeliNg                NON-tOXiC FaRMiNg                PRePaRed PaReNtiNg             NuRtuRiNg theRaPies

 for WiseTraditions

 in Food, Farming and the healing arts
 Education  Research  Activism

 NutRieNt deNse FOOds  tRaditiONal Fats  laCtO-FeRMeNtatiON

 bROth is beautiFul  a CaMPaigN FOR Real Milk  tRuth iN labeliNg

 PRePaRed PaReNtiNg   sOy aleRt!      liFe-giViNg wateR  Volume 14 Number 3
                                Genetically Engineered Food: Worse Than We Thought
 NON-tOXiC FaRMiNg   PastuRe-Fed liVestOCk  NuRtuRiNg theRaPies  Herbicide RoundUp: Ubiquitous Danger
                          Culinary Traditions in Romania   Battle for Backyard Chickens
 COMMuNity suPPORted agRiCultuRe

                                                       A PublicATion oF
 You teach, you teach, you teach!         The WesTon A. Price FoundATion           ®
                                                  Education  Research  Activism
 Last words of Dr. Weston A. Price, June 23, 1948

 Printed on Recycled Offset
 Printed with soy ink - an appropriate use of soy  teChNOlOgy as seRVaNt            sCieNCe as COuNselOR            kNOwledge as guide

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