Page 6 - Fall2013
P. 6


         entire premise of the paleo diet obsolete?  diet, I would like to share a story with  feeding. My son’s first foods were egg
         Or, better said, wrong?            you. I am extremely sensitive to gluten,  yolk and liver; he gets his cod liver oil
             How can you declare foods that  no  doubt  because I  was  introduced  every day; and he drinks only raw milk.
         are staples for some cultures to be bad  to extruded grains as an infant, and  All these foods help build a strong, im-
         for human beings? These paleo-banned  also because for a period of my life I  pervious gut. In addition, I withheld all
         staples would include corn (Mexico),  consumed a lot of whole wheat bagels  grains to the age of one and one-half.
         beans (Mexico and all over the world),  without any cream cheese or butter on     I can announce with great joy that
         potatoes (Ireland and South America),  them. It is difficult to live in this society  my son tolerates all grains—he loves his
         and grains (almost everywhere).    unable to consume wheat—you have  soaked oatmeal, brown rice cooked in
             As recently as a year ago, Wolf  to be so careful in restaurants, always  broth and sourdough bread. And there is
         would tell you that a paleo                                                        no danger if he occasion-
         diet “works for everyone.”                                                         ally eats some improperly
         Then he and Chris Kresser                                                          prepared wheat, as when
         admitted that about 30 per-                                                        we go to a restaurant or
         cent of those who adopt the                                                        he visits friends. So he
         paleo diet do not do well on                                                       can live in this world fully
         it. Now they are market-                                                           enjoying all foods. I don’t
         ing a gimmick called the                                                           always have to say no to
         Paleologix Total Transfor-                                                         him about what he eats.
         mation Program, with all                                                             The interesting thing
         sorts of charts and meal                                                           is that I don’t have to say
         plans. I fail to see how                                                           no about junk food either.
         this will correct the basic                                                        He is just not interested
         shortcomings of the diet.                                                          in it. Recently he went to
             Also, none of the pa-                                                          a birthday party where
         leo teachers I've followed                                                         they had a horrible cake
         or talked to exhibit the                                                           with icing colored with
         simplest levels of holis-                                                          food dye. He immedi-
         tic nutrition and holistic                                                         ately announced, “I don’t
         health insight. They have                                                          like cake.” But a piece
         never internalized it, and they lay out  asking whether something has wheat  was forced on him. I stood back and
         some real clinkers when it comes to  in it. I have to be a real pill when we  watched. He took a couple of bites and
         understanding why natural foods are  eat at friends’ houses. And I just plain  then pushed it away, announcing once
         healthy and processed versions may not  miss some wonderful foods that contain  more, “I don’t like cake.”
         be healthy. Plus, they think that only  wheat.                            Thank you WAPF for providing the
         cranks wouldn't use a microwave! Their     When I got pregnant, I was deter-  dietary guidelines that result in truly
         take on pastured foods―good if you can  mined that my child would not follow  healthy children, children who can live
         afford it—misses the point completely.  in my path and have to live his life with  fully in the world without being tempted
           Allan Balliett, Fresh and Local CSA  a wheat intolerance. So I followed the  by its excesses.
                 Shepardstown, West Virginia  WAPF principles, eating lots of butter                Susan Gregory
                                            and other good fats, eating liver, tak-            Alameda, California
         THE GIFT OF GRAINS                 ing cod liver oil and drinking raw milk
             Regarding the debate on the paleo  throughout my pregnancy and breast-
         4                                          Wise Traditions                                    FALL 2013                   FALL 2013                                  Wise Traditions

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