Page 8 - Fall2013
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acid reflux, pains in my legs, and I was products, including milk and cheese, weeks, and I had recently had contact
awake in the middle of the night with which should be used liberally, and with someone who had lots of pain,
uncontrollable muscle twitching and marine foods. All marine or sea foods, swollen joints and both knees replaced,
spasms. I suspected I was hypoglycemic both fresh and salt water, are high in as well as toenail fungus more extreme
and that my body needed grains to be minerals and constitute one of the very than I had seen before. It just seemed
healthy, but unfortunately I ignored my best foods you could eat. Canned fish contagious to me.
gut feeling, trusting the “experts” over such as sardines, tuna or salmon are all I followed the late Dr. Thomas
my own intuition. A couple of doctors excellent; also fresh seafood such as oys- McPherson Brown's protocol of very low
told me I needed to cut the carbs even ters, halibut, haddock, etc. The protein doses of tetracycline (bought off Ebay,
further. One doctor suggested I was requirement can be provided each day and the type for aquariums) every other
having muscle problems due to toxins in one egg or a piece of meat equivalent day for about a year, and I am totally
in my nerves. Another suggested I go on to the bulk of one egg a day. The meals back to my old healthy self, farming
a temporary course of a pharmaceutical can be amply modified and varied with again. I didn't change my diet since I
drug to lower my blood sugar while fol- vegetables, raw and cooked, the best of was already living the WAPF lifestyle.
lowing a very low-carb diet! I was at my the cooked vegetables being lentils used Dr. Brown's theory is that all arthri-
wits' end! as a soup. The cooked vegetables are tis is caused by mycoplasmas inside the
Thankfully, I met Matt Stone at cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, asparagus cells in our joints and the pain is caused
the WAPF conference in Dallas in No- tips and celery. Lettuce is the best of the by their toxins. We all accumulate
vember, 2011. It was through him that I raw vegetables.” mycoplasmas over our lifetimes and
understood I had become a near diabetic I support all diets based on real, I believe all chronic disease involves
due to the lack of natural sugars in my whole foods and I recognize everyone’s them. Mycoplasmas are an evolution-
diet. It was creating a lot of stress for need for individuality where diet is con- ary intracellular parasite. Temporary
my body. By adding grains and natural cerned, yet it’s disheartening when some vegan diets or severe calorie restriction
sugars such as raw honey, Rapadura and folks dismiss any one food category can eliminate symptoms by starving the
pure maple syrup to my diet, I was able as bad or unnecessary for all people. mycoplasmas of glucose, so that is why
to heal acid reflux, leg pains, feelings of I don’t think that’s what Dr. Price did, so many people have relief with that.
depression, and my HbA1c (blood sugar and I appreciate the fact that the WAPF Tetracycline is produced by the
measurement) returned to normal. is maintaining its focus on a diet that streptomyces bacteria, which are natu-
I realize eating starches and grains includes as many types of whole foods rally found in healthy wooded environ-
is not for everyone! People are very dif- as possible. ments, and maybe should be part of our
ferent! Still, it bothered me that some Alana Sugar natural gut and body flora. I have made
(not all) WAPF members who practice Springfield, Virginia teas from plants in the woods that taste
nutrition said that I have an addiction to just like the tetracycline I bought, so
grains! Or, that I needed to retrain my MYCOPLASMAS maybe there's a connection.
body to be a fat burner instead of a carb I noticed that the conference is The whole mycoplasma science is
burner! It was the words of Price himself about curing the uncurable. A little over just left out of medicine. Our species
in his letter to his nieces and nephews a year ago, I was diagnosed with severe has mycoplasmas, and the more we
that helped me get through this whole crippling rheumatoid arthritis and was feed them, the more they take over our
process: told that if I didn't do the standard treat- bodies. Even the plaques in arteries
“The basic foods should be the ment I'd be in a wheelchair in about five are made from micro-organisms like
entire grain such as whole wheat, rye years. All second opinions told me the diatoms. It's the terrain, but the terrain
or oats, whole wheat and rye breads, same thing, but I refused to believe it. either supports micro-organisms that
wheat and oat cereals, oat-cake, dairy My condition had come on in only a few all work together to create a "human" or
6 Wise Traditions FALL 2013 FALL 2013 Wise Traditions
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