Page 10 - Fall2013
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and making things especially difficult agenda-21). like traditional people eat! It's funny that
for farmers. In places where farmers and As the first person in the world I had been doing that with my dog and
ranchers have been driven off their land to blow the whistle on the UN Codex cats for the last five years, feeding them
by these dictates, their constitutional international threat to health freedom, a diet of raw meat and bones, and their
rights have been trampled, and our na- I am acutely aware of all aspects of in- health was fabulous. It hadn’t occurred
tional sovereignty is threatened by this ternational trade, of threats posed by the to me to do the same for myself.
forty-chapter blueprint for population WTO and other trade agreements, but it My energy levels now are awesome,
control. That is why a bipartisan move- is no "theory" that UN Agenda 21 poses I’m feeling physically satisfied so I don’t
ment has sprung up against it. a threat to farmers and ranchers. Talk to want to eat quite as much, and my gum
I never said Agenda 21 had been horse farmer Rene Holaday, author of disease is a thing of the past. Even my
ratified by Congress, or signed by the The Perils of Sustainable Development, dentist was impressed. I no longer have
President, but it certainly is no "con- and ask her about her experience with inflamed, sore and swollen gums. I
spiracy theory" that this collectivist, the state of Washington's Department of know my teeth will last me now for the
anti-private property rights agenda is Ecology, which almost seized her ranch next forty years or more. I feel better
being implemented at the local level in due to zoning changes caused by UN than I have in years. And the food tastes
a growing number of cities and coun- Agenda 21. See my article on Kimberly better too!
ties across America, (and around the Hartke's blog which goes into a lot more I try to speak to people about my
world), which are unwittingly influ- depth on the issue of UN Agenda 21 diet and the Weston A. Price Foundation
enced through membership in ICLEI, ( but they look at me like I’m a nutter.
the International Council on Local chemtrails-conspiracy-educate-your- They can’t get over the notion that satu-
Environmental Initiatives. self/). rated fats are bad. People are so indoc-
The UN has formally declared John Hammell, WAPF Chapter Leader trinated with this way of thinking. They
both "farming" and "ranching" to be President, International Advocates won’t even be opened-minded about it.
"unsustainable." (See http://www. for Health Freedom I’m a bit careful now how I share, and Point Roberts, Washington I just explain that I don’t eat processed
able_development/what_is_%22unsu food. Telling them that saturated fats
stainable%22%3F_2003022414/.) This MY HEALTH BIBLE are fine and healthy seems too much to
poses an obvious threat to the future I’m writing to thank the Weston handle for some. They think I’m heading
existence of pasture-based farmers Price Foundation for their valuable for heart disease because of the nice wad
and members of the Weston A. Price information. In the past I have read hun- of butter on my eggs at lunch. Little do
Foundation, especially as our national dreds of books on nutrition and despite they know!
sovereignty is continuously eroded in keeping religiously to the Heart Founda- Whenever I want information on
other ways. tion guidelines, I had very low energy health I look it up on the Weston A. Price
This is why a growing number levels, struggled with gaining weight, al- Foundation website. This is my health
of American cities and counties have ways felt hungry, and suffered from bad bible now. It provides all the information
been quitting membership in ICLEI; gum disease. The dentist said I would that I need to be healthy. I will remain a
it’s the reason the Alabama legislature lose my teeth before long. Knowing member forever.
has formally banned the State from all these problems had to be diet-related, Michelle Cox
participation in the implementation of I started to research diet again with a Patumahoe, New Zealand
UN Agenda 21 more open mind and Googled “the ben-
( efits of saturated fats.” This finally led
tech/environment/item/11592-alabama- me to the Weston A. Price Foundation
adopts-first-official-state-ban-on-un- website, and it all made sense to me. Eat
8 Wise Traditions FALL 2013 FALL 2013 Wise Traditions
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