Page 9 - Fall2013
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the terrain gets out of balance and taken I was thrilled to find the slow food an incredible movement which I am ever
over by mutinous micro-organisms movement has taken hold there and re- so happy about. There is only one raw
which can reach a critical mass and com- ally good chefs are popping up all over. I milk producer in Spain. I speak with him
municate with each other, as described even got to talk briefly with one. There's on a weekly basis, and not too long ago
by the bacteria whisperer, Bonnie a lot of good traditional food there, but he was worried about having to close
Bassler. Very low doses of tetracycline alas, a lot of processed junk and loads of his business due to reduced customers.
over a long period of time doesn't kill sugary things. They do love their sugar, He is now hopeful about being able to
all the weak bacteria thereby creating especially in Northern Ireland, which is continue with the amazing work that he
super bugs, it just nudges things back part of the UK. They also have an obe- does. In the week after my first article on
into balance so the immune system can sity rate of over 61 percent among adults raw milk was published he was selling
function like it should. and I think it was around 35 percent nearly five hundred extra liters of real
Mycoplasmas are very slow grow- for children, and they are concerned. milk!! Before this, he was not getting out
ing, unlike our white cells. So, an They too are proposing better food for much more than fifty liters per week, if
antibiotic that interferes with protein their schools. I contacted the Dublin that.
production actually favors our immune WAPF before I went and they steered It is certainly a lot of work, but
cells over the mycoplasmas that have me to a couple of good food places for absolutely wonderful and so rewarding
no cell wall and live inside our cells. dinner and shopping. Really fresh, lo- being able to support one of the few
Antibiotics that work by interfering cal produce is hard to come by, most is farmers who is doing things so well
with the cell wall selectively inhibit the imported and has to be. They are having in this country. I am also organizing a
mycoplasmas over our immune cells. a very cold spring and crop failures of list of people in different parts of the
Laura Livingston, Chapter Leader, grain. country who are interested in raw milk
Blue Hill Peninsula, The WAPF chapter leader told me orders, so that they can get together and
Brooksville, Maine that raw milk is not illegal, but very form small consumer groups to make it
difficult to source. Thousands and easier for them to be able to purchase
SLOW FOOD IN IRELAND thousands of happy sheep, cattle and real milk, and also to get to know each
I just returned from a two week dairy cows can be seen chowing down other in their cities.
trip around Ireland and although I need on all that green Irish grass. Their local I will be publishing a lot more infor-
a fairly strict diet at home to feel well, artisanal cheeses are really coming into mation on raw milk, as well as teaching
in Ireland I ate and drank whatever their own. So, it is a myth that is now people to make their own homemade
I pleased. The diet is very heavy on broken. Yes, they have good food in raw milk yogurts, clabbered milk,
the bread and potatoes; I drank beer Ireland, and no, the beer is not warm! cheese, kefir, etc.
too, but not too much. I actually lost a Selena Hoffman Eva Muerde La Manzana
couple of pounds! It was probably the Providence, Rhode Island Spain
miles we walked―over eighty miles
in two weeks. I also had no gut issues, RAW MILK IN SPAIN AGENDA 21
no heartburn, no GERD, no digestive I have been working very hard Heike Eubanks missed the whole
woes. This could be from my really good during the last few weeks, on my own point of my article about UN Agenda
preparatory eating before we went―lots campaign for educating people about 21 (Spring 2013). UN Agenda 21 is
of homemade yogurt, beet kvass, kraut real milk in Spain; people here are still being implemented piecemeal, at the
and yogurt whey. We also consume lots extremely scared of drinking unpas- local level by undiscerning cities and
of bone stock at home, so our guts were teurized milk and know very little, if counties that have been changing zoning
well prepared for the likes of all that anything, about it. laws to drive people out of rural areas,
soda bread and those luscious scones. After my first article there has been deliberately forcing people into cities,
Wise Traditions FALL 2013 FALL 2013 Wise Traditions 7
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