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The WesTon A. Price

                    FoundATion                             President’s Message
                 Education  Research  Activism
              Sally Fallon Morell, MA, President and Treasurer
              Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN, Vice President
              Geoffrey Morell, ND, JP, Secretary
              Sarah Pope, Recording Secretary
              Tom Cowan, MD
              Cherie Calvert
              Valerie Cury Joyner                         Although WAPF has occasionally commented on the folly of
              Michael Schmidt
                                                      genetically engineered organisms (GMOs), we have not put this is-
             BOARD MEMBER EMERITUS                    sue front and center. One reason is that our dietary guidelines mostly
              Mary Enig, PhD, FACN, CNS
                                                      avoid foods containing GMOs―our members don't use industrial
             GENERAL COUNSEL
              James Turner, Esq.                      seed oils (canola, corn, soy), don't eat commercial corn products like
                                                      chips (unless organic), and they avoid soy foods. Also, the health
             HONORARY BOARD
              Jen Allbritton, BS, CN                  dangers of GMOs have not been apparent. . . . until now.
              Naomi Baumslag, MD, MPH
              Marie A. Bishop, CDC                        We are pleased to present in this issue the latest science on
              Jerry Brunetti                          GMOs, and the new information should galvanize everyone to com-
              Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(NA)
              Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD            pletely avoid GMO foods and work hard for mandatory labeling.
              Lee Clifford, MS, CCN
              Christapher Cogswell, MA                Digestive disorders, behavioral problems like autism, infertility and
              Monica Corrado                          cancer are some of the side effects emerging in the scientific literature.
              Janice Curtin
              Katherine Czapp                         Children are particularly vulnerable to these effects.
              Eric Davis, BDSc, DAc, DCN                  Even if you are avoiding genetically engineered foods yourself,
              William Campbell Douglass, MD
              Sara Bachman Ducey, MS, CNS             many of our loved ones still consume them, so we all need to work
              James A. Duke, PhD
              Carol Esche, DNP, MA, RN, CNA           together to get GMOs out of the food supply. Soon we can expect to
              Mike Fitzpatrick, PhD                   see GMO apples and oranges in the market place; GMO sweet corn
              Ruth Ann Foster, MA
              Donna Gates, BS, MEd                    is already in the supermarket.  So mandatory labeling is a must.
              Nicholas Gonzalez, MD                       Meanwhile, do your best to buy organic and support local grow-
              Trauger Groh
              Joann S. Grohman                        ers who are using traditional seeds.
              Beatrice Trum Hunter, MA
              Mark A. Kastel                              Add to that the dangers of RoundUp, the herbicide used with
              Larry Klein                             most GMO crops, which disrupts sulfur pathways leading to numer-
              Fred Kummerow, PhD
              Felix Liao, DDS                         ous adverse health effects.  RoundUp persists in the soil and in our
              Kilmer McCully, AB, MD, MA (hon)        food, and is found even in foods that are not genetically engineered,
              Judith McGeary, Esq.
              Carlos Monteiro                         such as wheat.  RoundUp is often applied to wheat before harvesting
              Kenneth Fielding Morehead, DOM
              David Morris, BS, DC                    as a desiccant.
              Jill Nienhiser                              Please read carefully the excellent articles by Jeffrey Smith (page
              Sylvia Onusic, PhD, CNS, LDN
              Kathryne Pirtle, BS, MA                 18) and Stephanie Seneff, PhD (page 30).
              Jessica Prentice                            Our annual conference is fast approaching and we are looking
              Bruce Rind, MD
              Sir Julian Rose, BT                     forward to our best ever, with many new speakers along with new
              Julia Ross, MA
              Beverly Rubik, BS, PhD                  talks by favorite speakers from past conferences. See page 15 for
              Adrienne Samuels, PhD                   conference information and a registration form.
              Ron Schmid, ND
              Kim Schuette, CN                            We are particularly happy with the chef at the Sheraton Altanta
              Andreas Schuld
              Stephanie Seneff, BS, MS, EE, PhD       and look forward to delicious WAPF-friendly meals.
              C. Edgar Sheaffer, VMD                      We expect to be sold out (exhibit space is already almost com-
              Ted Spence, DDS, ND
              Rebecca L. Stearns, LAc, DAc            pletely taken) so don't delay!
              Alana Sugar, CN
              Krispin Sullivan, CN
              Beverly B. Teter, PhD, FACN, CNS
              John Umlauf
              Susun S. Weed
              David Wetzel, BS
              Bruce West, DC
              Louisa L. Williams, MS, DC, ND
         2                                          Wise Traditions                                    FALL 2013                   FALL 2013                                  Wise Traditions

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