Page 5 - Fall2013
P. 5
PALEO COMMENTS dare Sally judge people for feeding search. It is very dangerous to eat lean
I was offended and turned off by their children a healthy, balanced, and meat, especially in the context of a diet
Sally Fallon's recent editorial discussing nutrient-dense diet. Second, I just don't that contains little or no carbohydrate.
the paleo diet. Her description of the get her point─I never feel deprived on WAPF is concerned that many people
paleo diet is inexcusably inaccurate. I a paleo diet and I'm sure that children are adopting a paleo diet thinking that
became a member of WAPF because of that follow paleo don't either. For many it follows WAPF recommendations, and
encouragement by many leaders within people (adults and children) on a paleo we feel that is is our responsibility to
the paleo movement. And I'm quite sure diet, there are good reasons that they are point out the differences between the
that I'm not the only one! WAPF has excluding the whole milk, sourdough two diets. The blanket recommendation
benefited greatly from all the exposure bread and baked beans. With WAPF, to avoid all dairy, grains, legumes and
the paleo movement has given them and you are still saying "No, you can't" to carbohydrates is also a concern. Of
I'm hoping that there will be a public the standard American diet. It is all in course, if you are intolerant of any of
apology from WAPF. how you frame the choices available. these foods, they are best avoided—the
I don't understand why Sally Fallon Overall, this is very disappoint- WAPF dietary guidelines allow this
wants to create divisiveness between ing. I frequently refer clients to your flexibility. For a review of Robb Wolf’s
the communities, but it's apparent website and encourage them to become book, The Paleo Solution, see page 58.
that she does. Instead of picking on a members. If there is no acknowledgment For more comments on the paleo diet,
sister movement that also represents a from other leaders in the organization read on.
nutrient-dense, whole food diet, isn't about this misstep, I won't be renewing
there enough work to be done with the my membership next year and I won't PALEO COMPLAINTS
vast majority that follow a standard be referencing your organization as a I am happy to see the subject of the
American diet? It is irresponsible for resource. paleo diet brought up. I've done two dif-
the leader of WAPF, a public figure that Name withheld ferent years of fairly strict paleo. It didn't
many people look up to, to make such work out for me either year and, in fact,
statements about the paleo diet without If someone new to the paleo diet does I spun out of it both times with horrible
first doing her research. Anyone can an Internet search, the main websites cravings for carbs. A similar thing has
get on the Internet, do a little research, they get first are the Wikipedia entry on happened to friends who were admira-
and quickly come to the conclusion that the paleo diet, Loren Cordain’s website bly strict with the Robb Wolf program.
the modern paleo movement (not Loren and Robb Wolf’s website. All three We now know from epigenetics
Cordain's "paleo") is different from how emphasize lean meat as a distinguish- that genetic change can occur in one
Sally described it. ing feature of the paleo diet. The lively generation, so metabolic changes do not
The most offensive part of the debate in the paleo community on this have to occur after millions of years, and
editorial are her comments about feed- basic premise will not be obvious to evolutionary change can be documented
ing children a paleo diet. First, how someone doing a preliminary Internet in generational increments, so isn't the
Wise Traditions FALL 2013 FALL 2013 Wise Traditions 3
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