Page 10 - Spring2012
P. 10


               to it; it's just a matter of getting the in-  aspartame-laced strontium that landed  to converge to bring this about. Why
               formation out there.               her in the hospital in March.       should the innocent then suffer need-
                                                      WAPF advice has been a truly won-  lessly?
                      Sita Benedict, Chapter Leader  derful gift for us. Sharing the wisdom     After all is said and done, even if the
                                Jyvaskyla, Finland  of consuming nutrient-dense delicious  prisoners deserve to be detained, they
                                                  foods and beverages with our young  are still human beings—and we limit
               Sita, thank you for all you are doing  Australian guest, who is experiencing  our own goodness as fellow human be-
               in Finland! Finns in general have high  the healing power of foods first hand,  ings when we justify ill treatment of any
               cholesterol levels and in North Karelia  is inspiring and uplifting. We’re finally  person. If we justify hurtful treatment of
               after the Second World War, there were  getting the chance to teach, teach, teach  prisoners, we would not be building the
               high rates of heart disease. Researchers  and he is soaking it up like a sponge.  treasures in heaven that we should be if
               blamed this on high cholesterol but the                                we are a follower of Christ or Buddha,
               likely explanation is large numbers of   Anita Reusch and Doug Mitchell,  or any other religious leader. We should
               immigrants from Russia, who had lost                  Chapter Leaders  feed prisoners what we would want to
               everything and were living in govern-        Grosslangenfeld, Germany  eat if we were imprisoned, as that is the
               ment housing. Lots of broken hearts and                                infallible and inevitable outworking of
               lots of heart disease. In the rest of Fin-                             the Golden Rule or the Law of Cause and
               land, heart disease rates are relatively                               Effect—which every religion at least
               low, in spite of high cholesterol levels.                              gives lip service to.
                                                                                         Why are we "helping prisoners"
               REPORT FROM GERMANY                                                    someone had asked (Spring 2009). I
                   Merry Christmas from the WAPF                                      say because they need a lot of help.
               chapter in Germany! Another year has                                   If some day they should be released
               passed and Doug and I are now embark-                                  onto the streets of America, wouldn't
               ing on our eleventh year of following                                  we rather they be rehabilitated human
               the WAPF diet ever more closely with                                   beings rather than desperate, ill, still-
               continued health and happiness.                                        criminals—the kind of person that
                   For all of you who worry that all that                             usually issues forth from contemporary
               butter, good animal fat and fermented                                  prisons?
               raw dairy might make you fat or sick,                                     There was a "golden period" in
               take a look at Doug in the picture. Where                              our nation's history at the end of the
               he was thick and puffy twelve years ago,                               nineteenth century and early part of the
               he’s now lean and strong, and where his                                twentieth when we sincerely sought to
               hands used to be crippled by chronic                                   rehabilitate prisoners. We taught them
               inflammation (he has several scars to                                  trades, healed them, treated them like
               prove the ineptitude of modern medicine                                sentient beings while in prison—not
               to help him resolve his problems), he  SOY PRISON LAWSUIT              like animals and callous criminals—and
               now plays guitar.                      Having worked in a prison for three  they came out rehabilitated and able to
                   I only wish my sister the doc had  years, I so support your position on  start a new life.
               listened to me and taken cod liver oil  opposing the feeding of soy products     This can't happen anymore because
               for her recurring bouts of bronchitis.  to prisoners! There are many people  there are so many political and economic
                   I am glad that my eighty-six-year-  unjustly detained in prisons. So many  interests that make money off of them
               old mom is taking hers instead of the  political and economic interests seem  and set up an environment that pushes

               10                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2012                    SPRING 2012                                Wise Traditions

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