Page 7 - Spring2012
P. 7
TWO RULES FOR WEIGHT LOSS difficult at first. But there was a principle rule. Your body efficiently turns carbs
I had no particular reason for start- underlying these rules. into sugars. But eating too many carbs
ing my diet. I am a large-framed person Sugar is a poison. Excess sugar at any one sitting results in excess sugar
and have been somewhat overweight creates fat. It creates metabolic highs in your system. Thus, eating a single
most of my life. Each year I gained a and then lows. It creates cravings. By carb is okay, but a double carb creates a
little more weight, but nothing dramatic limiting sugar, you do not create fat, sugar glut. What is a double carb? You
in any one year. About two years ago, your metabolism levels out, your crav- can have a sandwich. You can have a
I was told that my cholesterol level ings relent, your calorie intake drops, bag of chips. You can't have a sandwich
was high, but that it could be managed and weight loss follows. Thus, the rules. and a bag of chips. Hamburger with
through medication, so this news did not The four-gram rule is easy to un- bun, okay. Fries, okay. Hamburger with
alter my eating habits. derstand, but hard to implement. Try bun and fries, no way. Meals that used
My pre-diet eating habits were shopping the beakfast-cereal aisle at to appear balanced don't look balanced
pretty straightforward: eat upon closer examination.
anything, any time. Break- Steak, potatoes, and corn?
fast: bagel with cream cheese Potatoes and corn are a
and bacon. Lunch: a full meal double starch. Fajitas with
from the office cafeteria, fol- rice and beans equal a
lowed by three cookies (the triple starch (tortilla, rice,
three-for-a-dollar special!). beans). Because of its den-
Starting mid-afternoon, re- sity, a typical bagel, stand-
peated trips to the vend- ing alone, is a triple starch.
ing machine for chips and At first, this took dis-
candy bars. Multiple trips cipline. I tried to stick to
throughout the day to the only eating at meals, but
jar of chocolate candies on allowed myself a small bag
one secretary's desk. In the of pretzels in the afternoon
evening, a full dinner, al- Ron Buch: Before and After and a piece of fruit in
ways with dessert. After the the evening after dinner.
family went to bed, then the real eating your local grocery. At mine, I found only Eggs for breakfast, choosing the right
began—raiding the pantry until I fell four cereals that fit within the rule (and items from the cafeteria at lunch, and a
asleep. I gradually ballooned to two that assumes that your serving size is fabulous, thoughtfully prepared meal at
hundred eighty-three pounds. really the same as is labeled on the box). dinner. Throughout, the nutritionist gave
Again, I had no particular reason So nearly every morning I have eggs me guidance to tweak my eating habits.
for starting a diet, but my doctor recom- for breakfast—cholesterol be damned. One thing that worked (and continues to
mended a nutritionist: Janet Zalman. On weekdays, those eggs are coupled work) for me: eat salad last. After a meal,
Janet gave me two remarkably easy rules with turkey bacon (I eat in the office I eat as much salad as it takes to fill me
to follow: don't eat or drink anything cafeteria). On weekends, I cook the eggs up.
with more than four grams of sugar with either ham or vegetables mixed into I learned one other thing through
(except whole fruit and milk) and don't them. Some items are completely out: no this process: I am an addict. After
eat any "double carbs." Now, when I say juice, no alcohol. Obviously, no candy months of not eating sweets, we were
'easy' rules, I mean uncomplicated and or sweets. on a family vacation. The kids bought
understandable—no calorie counting or The no-double-carbs rule is, in fudge, caramel corn and taffy. I took a
weighing of food. Living by them was principle, the same as the four-gram small taste of the fudge, expecting that
Wise Traditions SPRING 2012 SPRING 2012 Wise Traditions 7
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