Page 3 - Spring2012
P. 3


                A IS FOR ANTI-AGING                nese consider turtle meat and the oil a  would be wise to embrace the vitamin
                    A is also for Andrea Arias Alberto.  delicacy.                     A-rich foods of our region. We are for-
                Andrea is the abuelita (grandmother)     Presently a patent is pending for  tunate to have access to fermented high
                of my friend and she just turned one  using derivatives from turtle oil for me-  vitamin cod liver oil, X-factor butter oil,
                hundred one years old February 2, hav-  dicinal purposes in the treatment of lung  raw cream, liver of pastured animals,
                ing been born in 1911. Andrea, mother  disorders. By supporting cardiovascular  egg yolks and, my favorite, butter. May
                of ten and grandmother of fifty, lives  function and possibly preventing the de-  the wisdom of Andrea and Lettie be
                independently, still reading and solving  velopment of cardiovascular disease, the  yours!
                mathematical problems at a rate that  patent application claims turtle oil may   Kim Schuette, CN, Chapter Leader
                puts most of us calculator-dependent  improve the functioning of the heart and   San Diego Encinitas, California
                individuals to shame.              circulatory system and this could benefit
                    When I heard of my friend’s spry  the lungs.                       BACON BITS
                grandmother, I couldn’t help but remem-     Turtle oil also effectively treats     Beverly  Rubik’s  article  entitled
                ber Aunt Lettie, featured several years  burns and has a very positive effect  “How does Pork Prepared in Various
                ago in Wise Traditions. Lettie was the  when applied topically to the skin. I  Ways Affect the Blood?” (Fall, 2011)
                beautiful centenarian with the gorgeous  remember crossing the Texas-Mexican  is an excellent piece of research on the
                skin, which she attributed to my favorite                              proper preparation of pork. I would
                food, butter. So what is Andrea’s elixir?                              however like to clarify some informa-
                Turtle oil! My friend recalled that her                                tion on cured pork especially for those
                grandmother took two teaspoons each                                    bacon lovers that have been purchasing
                day of fat-soluble turtle oil. In addi-                                uncured bacon with no added nitrates or
                tion to her turtle oil, Andrea regularly                               nitrites.
                consumes fresh wild fish and pastured                                      Nitrates are used in the meat pro-
                chicken. Andrea’s granddaughter is                                     cessing industry to preserve the meat
                quick to point out to me that her grand-                               and ensure consumers do not get an
                mother ate “pollos naturale, not like the                              unhealthy dose of botulism with their
                ones in the American supermarkets.”                                    bacon. The most recent concern over
                    This example echoes Dr. Price’s ob-                                nitrates is the production of nitrosa-
                servation that healthy primitive peoples                               mines (a carcinogen) in the digestive
                enjoyed sacred foods high in fat-soluble                               tract. While the research on nitrates
                vitamins, vitamin A in particular. Due                                 causing cancer is still sketchy, anyone
                to the extinction of some species of                                   who is health-conscious should avoid
                turtles, turtle oil is not widely consumed                             them if possible. Uncured bacon, which
                as it was in years past. We do know that                               plainly advertises that there are no
                cultures in Mexico and South America,                                  added nitrates or nitrites, has become
                as well as parts of Africa and China,  border during my teen years to shop  a very popular choice among those
                prized turtle oil for its ability to cure  and one of the most popular products in  who enjoy bacon and yet are concerned
                infertility and impotence, as well as  border towns was turtle oil-based skin  about nitrates. As Beverly points out in
                tuberculosis, asthma, earaches, measles  care products.                her article, the uncured bacon contains
                and waterborne diseases. In Kenya, lo-     Obviously turtle oil will not be  celery juice powder which is high in
                cal midwives used turtle oil to induce  found in most kitchens. However, this  natural nitrates and other nutrients that
                quicker placenta presentation. The Chi-  serves as a wonderful reminder that we  may counteract the carcinogenicity of
 Wise Traditions   SPRING 2012  SPRING 2012                Wise Traditions                                             3

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