Page 6 - Spring2012
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pearance. brought me to a nutritional shift was Now, after nearly twenty years as
I have been on sick leave for twelve my son’s damaged teeth. But then, I a WAPF family, I believe that we com-
months because of facial pain and an- also learned of the estrogen-mimicking mandeered the potential for harm before
gioedema. I have been to specialists and properties of soy and it rocked my foun- it manifested. As for his masculinity? I
many doctors but no one can help me. dation. can triumphantly report that at twenty-
I recently had a scan of my face Certain that I’d damaged his hor- four years old my son is sturdy, muscu-
which showed inflamed scar tissue. mones, I swiftly and fundamentally lar, has a choice of girlfriends, and is the
Doctors have suggested having a bone changed our diet to include raw milk picture of robust, manly health.
scan now. Residual infection can’t be and bone stocks. To insure his masculine I share this with you because I teach
picked up on x-ray. Root canals have growth further, I also regularly included and meet with moms every day in my
caused serious illness, causing my other Rocky Mountain oysters, rare, and work as a homeopathic consultant. I wit-
teeth to die. My immune system is react- sometimes raw liver and steak tartare ness the remorse that most of them carry
ing to so many things. in his diet. once they learn of the mistakes they’ve
When I get pain in my made in their children’s health.
mouth, my left knee swells and Allow me to assure you of this:
burns, as I think my body has there’s good reason to believe
created an interference field that as long as we invest in our
affecting tissues in my body. commitment, it could in reality
I have bone loss where I have pan out, just as it did for my son.
had root canal therapy. I have Indeed, Dr. Price often found
had three sets of dentures none pathology to be antidoted by a
of which fit properly. return to indigenous methods,
There needs to be more and we need to cling to that life-
research done on the effects boat. “Mama guilt” only flags
of toxic root canal therapy. our energy stores which we’re
It should be banned. People going to need while advancing
should be aware of the dan- the task at hand.
gers, the chemicals that are Set your impulse on
used, and why so many people “getting it right” this time and
have illness and cancer. support each other along the
I would appreciate your way. Whether you’re a young
opinion or possible further mom or one who’s had the trying
help for the damage I've suffered from Countering soy milk’s damaging experience of guilt and later discovered
root canals. effects was my key objective and I the better course, we can all join hands
Natalie Wright employed my tactics with pig-headed in our concerted efforts. Pig-headed
Moonah, Tasmania determination. I was a mama on a mis- determination, moms. It’s the ultimate
sion. mothering weapon and it’s innate.
MAMA GUILT Nonetheless, like many mothers
I was worried. Despite my extended who discover Weston A. Price, I was Joette Calabrese, HMC,CCH,RSHom
nursing commitment, I had raised our worried that the injury may have already Colden, New York
oldest son on both soy milk and a vegan taken place and my angst grew as our
diet during pregnancy and up until he son entered puberty. More Rocky Moun-
was about five years old. What initially tain oysters.
6 Wise Traditions SPRING 2012 SPRING 2012 Wise Traditions
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