Page 5 - Spring2012
P. 5
STURDY, HEALTHY CHILDREN the benefits of this type of meat and extremely painful one-centimeter cyst
Thank you so much for your diligent eggs. The networking among members developed in the gum above the right
efforts and your thoughtful presenta- and chapter leaders is so helpful in put- front incisor. An oral surgeon removed
tion of health, dietary, and agricultural ting us in touch with potential customers the cyst, and a root canal was performed
information. Ever since my husband and in our area and vice versa. on the front incisor.
I were introduced to Wise Traditions in We will never have an impressive About five years later, I developed
2009, we have made efforts to follow income, but living a WAPF lifestyle severely sensitive teeth, and all of my
your nutrition principles and raise our helps us to feel rich and blessed. Raising teeth started to die. Over time I had a
family in the WAPF total of five root canals. They
way. We enjoy raw still caused pain and gradually
milk, pastured eggs I had to have them out.
from our own hens dai- A couple of months
ly, along with cod liver after one of the root canals
oil, plenty of grass-fed I developed facial swelling,
beef (from our cows), urticaria and angioedema.
bacon, ham and lard I started reacting to latex,
(from our own foraging formaldehyde, benzene and
hogs), wild caught tuna numerous other chemicals. I
and salmon, organic believe my body was reacting
local vegetables (fresh to the components used in root
and lacto-fermented), canals. No doctor or dentist
and of course, lots of took notice of me; all they
butter! (Coconut oil, would say is that the nerve was
too!) dead and the x-ray normal.
O u r child re n , Two years ago I had
ages four, two and six all upper teeth taken out and
months, are sturdy and healthy. None our own food, sharing it with others in my condition improved by 70 percent.
have even been on prescriptions or other our community, and feeding such satis- Then I started having shocking pain
medication of any kind. They love to fying and nutritious food to our children in my lower front tooth, below where
eat! And they are very even-tempered. brings us so much happiness and vibrant the cyst was. My dentist talked me into
My father is a dentist and says our four- health. Thank you! having another root canal; when having
year-old has a perfect bite and no signs Name Withheld the procedure the pain was extreme and
of decay whatsoever. She has never used the smell was awful. I was reacting once
fluoride or fluoride toothpaste. None of ROOT CANAL HELL again to root canal therapy. After two
our children has been vaccinated and all I would like to tell my shocking months I had to have it out, with much
three were born easily at home. We have experience with root canals, dental cysts nerve pain and mouth swelling during
to believe that all of the good fats they and chronic illness. After reading ar- the procedure. I started to get better
eat, as well as the absence of toxins and ticles about Weston Price’s documents, again, although not completely.
non-foods in their diet, must be making I felt I had to let your foundation know Then I developed severe facial
a difference. Many children we know that all of his research of root canals and nerve pain anytime I would eat sweet
are not this healthy. systemic illness reflects what happened foods, or foods that required a lot of
Also, as small, pasture-based farm- to me. chewing. My face would swell with
ers, we appreciate your message about It started twelve years ago, when an nerve pain impacting my life and ap-
Wise Traditions SPRING 2012 SPRING 2012 Wise Traditions 5
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