Page 4 - Spring2012
P. 4


               the nitrates. While it seems a safer al-  very same nitrate level that everyone is  was all right if I wasn’t exerting myself
               ternative, nothing could be further from  trying to avoid by purchasing the un-  but if I tried to do anything that involved
               the truth.                         cured bacon is above, sometimes well  moving or lifting I had very little oxygen
                   As far as your body’s chemistry is  above, that contained in the conventional  getting into my system. Not sure if it was
               concerned and for the curing process, a  brands.                       instinctive or if the effects were more
               nitrate is a nitrate is a nitrate. It doesn’t     In her article Beverly alluded to the  severe after breakfast but I had a notion
               matter if it is a chemically produced ni-  fact that some people report adverse re-  that the uncured bacon had something to
               trate or nitrate from celery juice powder.  actions to meat cured with celery juice.  do with the reaction. I eliminated bacon
               So the notion that uncured bacon has no  I happen to be one of those people. So-  from my diet and within a few days the
               added nitrates or nitrites is completely  dium nitrite in its pure form is dangerous  symptoms completely subsided and I’ve
               false advertising; on the contrary, they  since it is an anti-oxidant. It would hap-  had no further health issues.
               are loaded with nitrates.          pen something like this. You eat a couple     In my opinion uncured bacon with
                   Now here’s where it starts to get a  teaspoons of the stuff, and within a short  celery juice powder is a loaded gun. If
               little crazy. There is no way to gauge  while, your cells asphyxiate because  nitrates are indeed a cause of cancer then
               how much nitrate is in celery juice pow-  your body can no longer carry oxygen.  people are getting it in large doses with
               der. Conventional bacon production uses  This is known as blue baby syndrome  the uncured bacon. And since there is
               chemical nitrate so they know exactly  or cyanosis.                    no way to gauge how much nitrate is in
               how much is added to the pork for cur-     During the curing process sodium  celery juice powder, the odds of getting
               ing, based on parts per million. In fact  nitrate (NO ) is reduced or changed into  dangerous amounts of nitrites (causing
               when chemical nitrates are utilized the  sodium nitrite (NO ). The nitrate-to-  a cyanosis type reaction) is fairly high.
               FDA and USDA mandate how much the  nitrite process happens in a relatively  With  an  unknown  quantity  such  as
               processor can put into the bacon, how  short period of time and it is the sodium  celery juice I’m sure the bacon proces-
               little they can put in and how much is  nitrite that does all of the work ensuring  sors feel it is better to weigh in on the
               left over. However because celery juice  the meat is preserved and the consumer  side of too much than not enough since
               powder is considered a natural additive,  does not get botulism. If the meat is al-  preventing botulism is their first prior-
               there are no restrictions or mandates to  lowed to continue curing, as with salami  ity. Unfortunately the “too much” has a
               follow. It’s as though the nitrates were  and other cured meat products that hang  whole other set of health issues.
               never added. When it comes to how  from one month to one year, the sodium      With regard to nitrate and nitrite
               much nitrate is being added to uncured  nitrites eventually convert to harmless  levels, conventional bacon is hands
               bacon with celery juice it’s a complete  nitric oxide (NO) with only residual  down the better choice. To avoid the
               crapshoot. It’s a loophole that gives  amounts of nitrites left in the meat.  nitrate-nitrite issue altogether I’d rec-
               the meat producers one less inspector  In uncured meats there is no extended  ommend purchasing bacon cured in
               looking over their shoulder but leaves  curing process. The bacon goes from  salt. While sea salt has trace amounts of
               the door wide open for possible health  the processing facility to the grocer’s  sodium nitrate, it would not be enough
               issues.                            shelf to your table. The consumer ends  to cause health issues. Your best bet is
                   In 2010, Cook’s Illustrated tested  up getting a full dose of sodium nitrite.  to contact a local farmer with free range
               different types of bacon and found that  And since there are more nitrates in the  pigs, have the bacon portion of the pig
               two brands of "nitrate-free" bacon had  uncured bacon by way of celery juice  cured the old traditional method in salt,
               significantly more nitrates than their  powder you end up ingesting dangerous  maple syrup, a few spices and smoked
               conventional counterparts. The residual  amounts of sodium nitrites.   to your liking.
               levels in the "uncured" bacons tested     The adverse reaction I was suffer-                Archie Welch
               were all above the allowed levels in the  ing from was cyanosis. I couldn’t catch     Clarkston, Michigan
               conventional way of processing. So the  my breath and I felt like I was dying. I
               4                                          Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2012                    SPRING 2012                                Wise Traditions

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