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         levels in the lungs and blood. Hender-     Scottish nurse Jill McGowan’s trial  as one of my health goals is to prevent
         son’s article mentions “vital capacity,”  results were presented to the British  cancer—three of my mother’s sisters
         but don’t be fooled into thinking that a  Thoracic Society Winter Conference  died from breast cancer and my mother
         large capacity means we should be bel-  in 2003. She found that 384 of the ini-  had a prophylactic mastectomy. I there-
         lowing air in and out! The reason we  tial 600 participants (64 percent) who  fore have been on a quest of finding the
         have a large reservoir of air is so that  completed the trial, asthma symptoms  healthiest diet for over thirty years.
         we can maintain a higher level of CO 2   decreased by an average of 98 percent     Unfortunately, until I began eat-
         within it (ideally around 6 percent).  while use of reliever inhalers decreased  ing a traditional diet eight years ago,
            My experience is not unique. The  by an average of 98 percent. Use of pre-  I  was  probably  on  the  cancer  track
         Bowler Trial published in the Medical  ventor inhalers decreased by an average  without knowing it. I had followed a
         Journal of Australia showed a reduction  of 92 percent (www.members.westnet.  very “healthy” high-fiber, low-fat diet
         in minute volume and beta agonist use     for many years eating lots of salads,
         for the Buteyko group, with no signifi-     In my opinion, asthma symptoms  fruits and vegetables, whole grains and
         cant change for the control group (www.  are caused by chronic hyperventila-  only a little meat, eggs and dairy—and  tion, and can be “cured” by learning to  no  butter  of  course.  I  became  very
         er/bowler.html). These results were du-  breathe correctly—that is, nasal breath-  malnourished and developed a severe
         plicated a few years later in another trial  ing closer to ideal volume of around  digestive disorder. Luckily, I learned
         published in the New Zealand Medical  6L/min.                          about the work of Weston A. Price and
         Journal (                    Simon Daniel  have recovered. I feel this nutrient-dense
         1187/710/). They also published a case               Sydney, Australia  diet is clearly the cancer protection that
         series showing children were able to                                   I had been seeking.
         reduce their beta agonist usage (www.  BREAST HEALTH                      However, in terms of breast health,     Personal health is a passion of mine  I have learned that there is an important

                                   WISE TRADITIONS 2009: HONORING THE SACRED FOODS

                        Chris Masterjohn (left) describes the medicinal use of cod liver oil, going back hundreds of
                        years. Sally Fallon Morell with Ted Beals, MD (center), winner of the 2009 WAPF Integrity
                        in Science Award. Kaayla Daniel, PhD, discusses the sacred foods for fertility.

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