Page 9 - Winter2009
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          himself, describes the deeply ingrained  described in the book Saharasia, which  ticle). He made a number of comments
          emotional restraint of the Indians that  apparently was practiced in a few tra-  about jaw development and how it re-
          were studied; an artificial restraint that  ditional cultures. As noted, the main  lated to asthma. This technique “cured”
          was revealed in the face of emotionally  reason given for swaddling in cradle  my lifelong asthma. I am thirty-six now
          charged circumstances both joyous and  boards was to protect the infant. The  and have been off all asthma medication
          tragic.                            point of the article was the great em-  (most recently Pulmicort and Bricanyl)
              This fact is more thoroughly docu-  phasis the American Indian placed on  for several years. I say “cured” because
          mented with extensive cross-cultural  preventing mouth breathing. Obviously  my symptoms would soon return if I
          evidence in the book Saharasia: The  we do not recommend the practice of  didn’t maintain good breathing habits.
          4000  BCE  Origins  of  Child  Abuse,  continuous swaddling today, although     To manage my asthma I do the fol-
          Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social  many mothers  have found that light  lowing: breathe quietly through my nose
          Violence in the Deserts of the Old World  swaddling in a blanket can be useful  while awake; tape my mouth closed at
          by Dr. James DeMeo. Here it is demon-  in calming a very young infant. The  night with micropore tape (fold a tab on
          strated that, far from being an innocuous  premise that swaddling during the first  one side so it can be easily removed);
          and independent child-rearing practice,  two years of life resulted in the emotion-  breathe only through my nose while
          the social institution of swaddling devel-  less demeanor of the American Indian  exercising, such as running.
          oped as part of a much wider, functional  is an interesting one; but to claim that     I can now get up on a cold morning
          social matrix that included many other  the Native Americans lacked the will to  to run without fear of symptoms, and I
          biologically  traumatic  child-rearing  resist the incursions of the Europeans  no longer carry an inhaler with me. In
          practices. Swaddled infants may in fact  into their territories does not stand up  2007 I ran the Sydney and Auckland
          appear calm, but this is often a conse-  to the recorded evidence. Quite the con-  marathons breathing only through my
          quence of the swaddling wraps causing  trary, European Americans had to go to  nose. I wake up in the morning feeling
          a compressive reduction in respiration,  great lengths to break the spirit of the  calm and relaxed, and the tape prevents
          after which they eventually resign to  American Indian. The allegation that the  any snoring.
          their confinement.                 American Indians practiced child abuse     Most of 2008 I spent milking cows
              The negative psychological effects  and were sexually repressed seems far-  on an organic dairy farm in New Zea-
          of swaddling may be carried into adult-  fetched. In fact, in the early days of the  land—somewhat ironic after suppos-
          hood as an emotionally immobilized  American colonies, one of the greatest  edly being allergic to cow’s milk as a
          character structure. Such submissive  “problems” encountered by the settlers  baby (asthma/eczema) and being told as
          people, for example, are unable to ex-  was the fact that many Europeans ran  a child that I was allergic to grass. While
          press the necessary outrage at authori-  away to live with the Indians, because  on asthma medication I never thought I
          ties who try to take away their individual  they found the Native American society  would be able to work in an environment
          rights and freedoms. We urge parents to  less stressful than their own.  like that. (I suspect that I may be allergic
          do their research before deciding on the                               to hard work though!)
          practice of swaddling.             BUTEYKO BREATHING                      Konstantin Buteyko, the Ukrainian
                       Joseph Heckman, Ph.D.  TECHNIQUE                          physician who invented the technique,
                          New Brunswick, NJ      Thank  you  for  printing  Nancy  made a couple of important discoveries.
                          James DeMeo, Ph.D  Henderson’s fascinating article about  First, that healthy people breathe air at
                             Ashland, Oregon  George Caitlin. My interest in the WAPF  around six liters per minute. Most of
                                             started after I was taught the Buteyko  us breathe far too much all the time
          George Caitlin did not observe the very  Breathing Technique by Roger Price  (chronic hyperventilation). Second, that
          cruel practice of head deformation, as  (whom Henderson refers to in the ar-  overbreathing results in insufficient CO
          WINTER 2009                                Wise Traditions                                             7
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