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         years before Price. I was interested to  or child genital mutilation. Perhaps the  been a near universal practice on the
         learn of the possible value of sleeping  tribes that used cradleboards simply had  North American continent. These ob-
         with the head tipped forward and have  not invented a way to carry their babies  servers did not visit Arctic climates,
         been experimenting with this. The pho-  against their bodies, much as they did  where practices were necessarily differ-
         tos were also fabulous.            not  invent  wheels  or  weaving.  With  ent, and it seems that in South America
            There were some statements in the  baby-carrying the infant’s mobility is  practices were mixed. As we pointed out,
         article which I believe are inaccurate.  increased and their balance improved  the cradle board seems cruel to modern
         One of these concerned the “universal”  while the all-important bonding to the  parents; light swaddling in a blanket
         use of cradleboards among American  mother is enabled. The baby is kept safe  for a small infant during sleeping is all
         Natives of North and South America. I’d  and the mother can work and everyone  that we recommend today. The Weston
         love to see more research. However, I do  wins. The physical beauty and strength  A. Price Foundation takes no official
         know that at least some groups of native  of the adults of the cradle-boarding  stand on bed sharing with infants. The
         people in the Arctic carried their babies  population does not necessarily mean  advice about keeping the baby’s head
         close to their bodies inside their parkas  that cradle-boarding was a positive in-  elevated can be followed with the baby
         for warmth. Also, the Yequana people  fluence on the individuals in question.  in bed with her parents or sleeping in
         of South America carried their babies  As we all know, there are invisible ways  a crib.
         on their hips, passing them around in  to be harmed.
         order to work, and slept entwined with     I was disappointed that the “Ad-  SWADDLING CONCERNS
         them, according to the fascinating book  vice  for  Today’s  Mothers”  sidebar     Each issue of Wise Traditions pro-
         Continuum Concept by Jean Liedloff.   discouraged mother-infant bed sharing.  vides wonderful nutritional advice for
            Ms. Leidloff lived at length with  Millions, if not billions, of people for  raising healthy babies. The advice con-
         the Yequana before they were other-  millions of years have slept cuddled  cerning the swaddling of babies and its
         wise exposed to western culture. While  with their babies, as do primates and all  alleged health and respiratory benefits,
         sadly ignoring their diet, she recorded  other mammals born helpless and naked.  however, is something we disagree with
         at length the child-rearing practices  The possible exception of the Midwest-  (Fall, 2009).
         to which she attributed their deeply  ern American Indians and the current     Kicking  legs,  wiggling  bodies
         fulfilled natures. In many other parts  phobias of the medical-industrial-gov-  and expressive arms and hands are not
         of  the  world,  native  people  carried  ernment complex do not change that.  only a joy for babies; they are deeply
         their babies in a great variety of carri-  For scientific support for the numerous  pleasurable actions that, developmen-
         ers that enabled them to be held close  benefits and high degree of safety of  tally speaking, play a healthy role in
         while adults worked. In addition to the  proper bed sharing please see the work  the child’s physical and emotional inte-
         scholarly works to this effect, a terrifi-  of Dr. McKenna at the University of  gration and coordination. These move-
         cally illustrated children’s book, A Ride  Notre Dame’s Mother-Baby Behavioral  ments, denied the swaddled infant, mute
         on Mother’s Back by Emery Bernhard,  Sleep Laboratory, as frequently profiled  a baby’s emotional responses, rendering
         covers some of these tribes.       in Mothering Magazine.              the child docile and obedient. We believe
            Binding a small child to a board                        Leah Mack   that extended periods of swaddling are
         for two years such that even the arms             Knoxville, Maryland  traumatic, steering the infant toward an
         are constrained does not strike me as                                  attitude of excessive emotional restraint
         a practice to emulate. Rather than a  As described by George Caitlin and  coupled  with  hopelessness  against
         positive and universal practice such as a  other observers of American Indians,  external pressures. This statement is
         nutrient-dense diet, it may be a regional  and recorded in numerous photographs,  supported in the article itself where
         idiosyncrasy more akin to foot-binding  the use of cradle boards seems to have  Ms. Henderson, quoting Mr. Caitlin
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