Page 7 - Winter2009
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          do  not  do  well  even  on  this  kind  of  yet many of us were forced to eat two  rhea, in hospitals and out, after only
          milk—and why some people do better  desserts a day (usually hospital cake or  three weeks of grass-fed beef, fresh CSA
          on goat milk. We are not suggesting that  Little Debbie or some concoction of that  veggies, raw milk and sprouted grains,
          farmers and consumers worry about  ilk). If we refused to eat, we were forced  my period returned!
          whether their milk is A1 or A2. What we  to drink Ensure. And if we didn’t drink     I look forward to learning more (and
          are suggesting is that those who have  that, it was tubed into us. In retrospect,  more and more!) about these forgotten
          trouble with raw cow’s milk seek out  how horrifying! Eating disorder centers  traditions! I hope one day to help oth-
          and try A2 milk, or switch to goat milk.  are the diet dictocrats personified!  ers recover from their eating disorders
          We also suggest that pure A2 milk may     When released from my most recent  in the true, traditional way. Thank you
          be the answer for those with very seri-  stay, the urges were still with me. I was  everyone at the Weston A. Price Founda-
          ous conditions like autism. We predict  depressed, antsy, and sleepless (despite  tion for all your hard work!
          that over the years, A2 milk will become  having tried various antidepressants, an-       Lindsey DeLallo
          more and more available, perhaps even-  tipsychotics and sleep meds). In despera-   Twin Cities, Minnesota
          tually the only type of milk available.  tion, I decided to “take the plunge” into
          But this transformation will be gradual  real food. I was familiar with Weston  GOAT MILK HEALS!
          and will take a long time. Meanwhile,  Price’s research and principles. It had     I know firsthand the value of raw
          we don’t want farmers to worry about  always made sense to me—but until  goat milk. Years ago, my husband suf-
          their current herd, nor consumers to  this past June hadn’t really clicked. The  fered for a long time from diarrhea.
          worry about the milk they are drinking  “clicking” was thanks to Nina Planck’s  Nothing seemed to help. His doctor put
          if it agrees with them.            book, Real Food. And so it was, that  him on Lomotil pills, which he rarely
                                             June day, that I poured myself a glass of  took. He was then put on a baby food
          RECOVERY WITHIN ONE WEEK           raw milk, literally closed my eyes, and  diet for two years.
              Back in the fall of 2002, I fell prey  drank. I haven’t looked back.      The Lord must have told him to go
          to anorexia, which turned into bulimia     Within one week, my mood had  on raw goat milk. His GI system healed
          a  few  years  following.  After  much  improved. In two weeks, I was sleep-  completely and since then he has eaten
          anxiety, I went inpatient for help in  ing like a babe. By July, I had totally  anything he wants. I tell people to get
          2007. Their efforts were disastrous—I  switched my diet around. Instead of  goat milk, but it seems like no one is
          fell even deeper into the eating disorder,  toast in the morning, it was sautéed veg-  smart enough to listen. That is really
          only to be told I needed “more time  gies and pastured eggs. I allowed myself  sad.
          inpatient.” There followed three more  fat, good fats, animal fats, the cracklings             Susan Fay
          hospitalizations until this year (the most  of bacon in the pan; I delved into grass-     Marshall, Texas
          recent being this past May). I am in debt  fed beef like a long-lost daughter. It was
          twenty-one thousand dollars to hospitals  like I had finally woken up!   CRADLE BOARDS
          whose low-fat diet regimes did nothing     Now, after several months, I have     With each new issue I find myself
          for me. For example, I have always loved  had no impulses to return to the eating  intrigued and informed. I find it hard to
          vitamin D whole milk. (I’m lucky now to  disorder. I can’t imagine starving myself  pull away until I have read every page. I
          have it raw!) They didn’t even supply it  now! My cravings for sugar are gone. I  love the depth of your articles; even after
          in the hospital! The best I could get was  don’t even want Starbucks! I love the  six years of following WAPF principles
          2% milk. Everything was lean, lowfat,  fact that I finally am able to eat. I relish  and founding a local chapter, I am never
          high-carb—we were on dietician-ap-  it, I enjoy it. But the most astonishing  bored. The most recent journal carried a
          proved meal plans, guaranteed to help us  thing about this recent change has been  fascinating article about the American
          gain weight but “not make you fat.” And  that after going for years with amenor-  Indians of the Midwest region a hundred

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