Page 3 - Spring2013
P. 3


          AGENDA 21                          facts on hand. People’s mind can be  newspaper reported a murder. A young
              It would not be surprising if a small  changed―just remember the sea change  man raped and killed a girl with count-
          beleaguered organization as WAPF  we witnessed in the use of tobacco.  less stabs of a penknife. He walked to his
          would be prone to believe in conspiracy  Truth will prevail.           apartment, leaving a trail of blood that
          theories like the UN Agenda 21.                      Heike M. Eubanks  the police followed to arrest him. He had
              Obviously there are plenty of people          Myrtle Point, Oregon  not thrown away the bloody penknife
          out there who believe that vegetarian-                                 and the coroner reported that it was
          ism and decrease of consumption are  HIGH CALORIE MALNUTRITION  “the most vicious murder he had ever
          necessary to feed the billions of people  AND THE BRAIN                encountered.” There was no attempt at
          in this world. The UN, being a global     I spent twenty years at Cleveland  evasion. A large number of empty pop
          organization, would take up this concern  Clinic Foundation as a pediatrician  bottles were found in his car when it was
          and make plans and propose treaties.  and between May of 1975 and August  inspected by police. Of course, the pop
              But as far as I know, Agenda 21 is  of 1976, I kept a diary of “interesting  bottles were reported simply as a kind
          not the law in this land. It would have to  patients.” Because of my fascination  of signature of a wastrel personality and
          be ratified by both Houses of Congress  and experiences with what I have come  never thought of as being of potential
          and signed by the President to be so.  to call “dietary mayhem,” I recorded  importance in loss of civilized control.
              In our democracy there are many  some of the amazing diet histories and  I have often wondered whether O. J.
          ways to prevent this, and I don’t be-  the nature of the associated symptoms.  really did commit the infamous mur-
          lieve there is any chance it would pass     I will mention two as examples. A  der unconsciously and in a blind rage
          Congress  anyway.  I  would  be  more  young adolescent was seen because of  because of consumption of the “soft”
          concerned over the numerous Free  “nervousness and change of personal-  drink that he enthusiastically advertised.
          Trade Agreements which are already  ity.” He had consumed ninety-five gal-  Could it be that President Clinton’s lack
          law. Their global ruling body, the World  lons (calculated) of a popular cola over  of judgment in office was related to his
          Trade Organization (WTO), has the  a two-month period and was severely  well-known predilection for junk food?
          power to declare our laws contrary to  deficient in vitamin B  (thiamine). The     There has been recent interest in
          the trade agreement and demand that  other was a seventeen-year-old girl who  coffee and dark chocolate as “exemplary
          they be eliminated or there would be a  presented with “nervousness” and obe-  foods” for their antioxidant content. Dr.
          heavy fine. To mind comes a California  sity. She had widespread bleeding into  Weil wrote an article in Time Magazine
          law banning MTBE, a gasoline addi-  the skin of her thighs, numbness in one  advocating the consumption of seven or
          tive which contaminates groundwater.  leg below the knee and a history of years  eight cups of coffee for everyone. There
          The three judges of the WTO panel  of swelling in one knee joint. Her diet  is a fundamental flaw in this reasoning.
          demanded the law be dropped. The  history was appalling. She consumed  Yes, they do indeed provide antioxi-
          National Animal Identification System  a half grapefruit for breakfast and five  dants, but this benefit is overwhelmed in
          (NAIS) on the contrary would be a law  to six cups of coffee; twelve cups on  chocolate by the added sugar (the choco-
          that facilitates free trade and probably  a Saturday. For lunch, she had half a  late bean is bitter and it is the addition
          to their liking.                   grapefruit and sixteen ounces of pop.  of sugar that provides its characteristic
              If we want to have restrictive laws  For dinner she had up to four candy bars,  taste and makes it addictive) and the
          that prevent access to raw milk and other  two cups of coffee before “dinner” and  caffeine in coffee. For this reason, they
          nutrient-dense foods off the books we  two cups after. She claimed that she con-  are not the best sources of antioxidants.
          necessarily have to work in the politi-  sumed twenty-eight gallons (calculated)     Caffeine  excites brain cells  to
          cal arena. But first and foremost there  of cola in a two-month period.  function and consumes cellular energy,
          should be education and sticking to the     At about this time in the 1970s, a  thus giving a false impression of “more
 Wise Traditions   SPRING 2013  SPRING 2013          Wise Traditions                                             3
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