Page 5 - Spring2013
P. 5


              Coulter seemed  especially con-  traveled. How many more such acts of  cal professional to get these items.
          cerned about the violence emanating  violence and murder must occur before     Then I got to the book review of
          from such diseased brains. His discus-  we ask the question, "What is making  The Solution: Homeoprophylaxis, and
          sion of prisoners revealed that a surpris-  these children murderously violent?"  I was incensed at what I found, espe-
          ingly high number suffered from various     Are these acts of violence a medi-  cially at the paragraph which begins at
          neurological disorders such as  tics,  cal, iatrogenic (doctor-caused) phenom-  "Yes, yes; we know that vaccination is
          stuttering, dyslexia and other conditions  enon as a result of vaccination-induced  an ill-founded concept. . .” Do you all
          which were reflective of nervous system  chemically damaged, neurologically  have any idea of the mortality rate of
          problems.                          sick brains? The evidence is compelling  smallpox? According to the Centers for
              In his book, Coulter discussed  and our refusal to investigate objectively  Disease Control, it's thought to be 30
          America's youngest serial killer, a  that unpleasant possibility may ensure  percent while death from the vaccine
          young teen in the late 1800s whose  continued tragedies of this nature.  is estimated at 2 in a million at most.
          mother stated it was the smallpox shot                Tedd Koren, DC   I truly hope you email me back telling
          that changed her child's personality and   Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania  me which number is greater. What of the
          turned him violent. Coulter's book had                                 monetary and human cost of care for a
          a chilling interview with the notorious  APPALLED                      patient with polio? These two diseases
          serial killer Ted Bundy who in his own     I recently and inadvertently re-  were brought to their knees by mass
          words discussed his uncontrollable urge  ceived a copy of your publication for  produced vaccines. The very first vac-
          to kill. Bundy (who was a psychology  Winter 2012. The anti-vaccination bias  cine was what you call a "nosode" used
          major) repeatedly said his was not a  you have in your articles is appalling,  to prevent smallpox, but was eventually
          personality disorder but a neurological  and furthermore damaging to your  replaced by standardized vaccines. To
          disorder (uncontrollable impulses in his  readers’ health. Educating your readers  hear your book reviewer decry vaccines
          brain).                            is one thing, and in fact is one of the  while the book proposes to do the very
              Remember, this was before the  important goals of anybody related to  same thing as vaccines, using the same
          Columbine shootings, before school  the medical field. However, your little  methodology, but just with different
          violence was even discussed as a seri-  disclaimer on the inside front cover  products is hypocritical at least.
          ous problem. Coulter predicted that our  hardly counteracts the tone, bias, and     I believe that you do not intend
          increasing mass vaccination program  misconceptions of at least two articles  people harm, in fact I believe you are
          would reap us more violence.       in your publication.                only looking to keep people healthy. I
              The victims of vaccines are dam-     The first, a column editorial "Cross-  also believe that there is value in your
          aged. Damaged brains are often pre-  ing the Blood Brain Barrier" has medical  publication and community's methodol-
          scribed psychotrophic medication,  facts stated in it that are not supported  ogies of holistic approaches and finding
          which has been linked to suicide and  in the article. Two case studies from  and correcting root causes of ailments
          homicide. While we don't know enough  Canada without any control cases or  and disease. However, to exploit the
          about the Connecticut killer we do know  studies are hardly enough to state damn-  grave tragedy of some very few to incite
          that most of those who committed school  ing and untrue medical facts which will  greater tragedy in the future by using
          killings were on such medication.  drive people away from the vaccines.  your publication to turn biased medical
              We should not let our investigations  Also, anybody has access to the full side  and public opinion about vaccines into
          be driven into areas that are comfortable  effect profile and practitioners must, by  medical fact is a serious transgression
          to discuss (gun laws, poor parenting,  law, answer questions about potential  of your desire to help people. I hope in
          more secure schools) but rather look at  side effects and provide an information  the future you take a more informative
          what has turned our children into killers  FAQ sheet for every single vaccination.  tone and seek to have your readers ini-
          no matter how uncomfortable the road  Go on the product website or ask a medi-  tiate a dialogue with every one of their
 Wise Traditions   SPRING 2013  SPRING 2013          Wise Traditions                                             5
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