Page 8 - Spring2013
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         what happens to the milk from the teat to  animals had eaten?          put up with inferior food. Also it seems
         the finished product. It didn’t used to be     We also found a source for grass-fed  that many traditional bistros have been
         so complicated to get wholesome, clean,  butter at Trader Joe's, and she has also  purchased by holding companies and
         nutrient-dense food―hopefully we will  been eating that with no ill effects. The  fixed up to look typique, but are only
         get there again someday!           rash seems to be disappearing fastest  Disney versions serving fake food. I am
                                Zoë Groulx  from the backs of her knees and her  heartbroken!
                    Pagosa Springs, Colorado  elbow, but I am so glad that I finally                Victoria Bloch
                                            found the reason, and I think it's the          Los Angeles, California
         Thanks for reminding us about cheese  GMO grains that the animals are eating.
         manufacturing processes. All the chees-     I must add that she also reacts to  METHANOL HAZARDS
         es in our Shopping Guide listed as  grains as well, even grains that are     Not untypically, I had my eyes
         “raw” are truly raw, not heated above  soaked and organic. However it seems  opened by something fascinating in the
         about 105 degrees. Cheeses that are  that wheat causes a faster reaction than  latest issue of Wise Traditions. This time
         thermized are listed under “good.”  oats. I speculate that she may have also  it was the hazard of toxic methanol in
                                            inherited her sensitivity to toxins from  canned fruits and vegetables.
         GRAIN-FED VS GRASS-FED             her father, as he is super sensitive to     I don't eat any canned fruits and
             I thought you would be interested  toxins in any and all forms, and our  vegetables at this time, because we have
         in our experiences with grain fed-beef.  daughter is a WAPF baby to boot.   fresh vegetables all year round from our
         Our daughter has had a rash that has                 Jennifer Murdock  greenhouse. However, I do eat canned
         been slowly spreading, starting first on  meat. Fortunately, the latter does not
         the front of her ankle, then spots of it                               contain pectin, the substance in fruits
         spread to the backs of both her knees,  FRENCH RESTAURANTS             and vegetables believed to morph into
         then to the inside of her elbow. We tried     My husband and I just ran into a  the dreaded methanol. Methanol is also
         elimination diets, and she still had it. She  friend of his who just returned from a  known as "wood" alcohol or "rubbing"
         was down to only eating meat (grain-  trip to France (his birthplace, where his  alcohol . . . the stuff for sale in the super-
         fed) and our own eggs from our hens  family ran a restaurant). He reports to  market that makes desperate winos go
         (grass-fed).                       his horror that many of the mid-priced  blind when they drink it. Some scientists
             I was at a loss as to why she still  restaurants and bistros he and his wife  now think methanol from canning is the
         had this rash, until I heard a broadcast  saw in Paris and the Loire were all us-  cause of many modern diseases of hu-
         on Coast-to-Coast AM. They inter-  ing pre-prepared food that was heated  mankind, particularly multiple sclerosis.
         viewed the lady who owns the website  up to serve to customers. He said that     I was wondering how the process, and she was telling her  the price range was from fifteen to fifty  of canning created methanol . . . and
         own story about GMOs and her health  Euros per person, so the practice was not  Google was my friend.
         problems, which included a horrible rash  just at fast-food places. You could tell,     I read an article on the Internet sug-
         she got from eating GMO foods.     he said, because no smells of cooking  gesting that with traditional cooking,
             The light bulb went on in my head!  were coming out of the kitchen and all  methanol escapes by evaporation, so
         So, although this was an unscientific  the menus were similar.         harmful levels of the chemical are not
         experiment, I took my daughter off the     High-end restaurants and a few bis-  present in the finished product. But with
         grain-fed beef and started only giving  tros still cook, but corporate food seems  canning, the metal cans or the glass jar
         her some venison we had from last year.  to have infected a country I thought  lids are tightly sealed, thus preventing
         It's only been a few days and her rash is  would resist to its dying breath. He said  any methanol from escaping. Here’s
         actually disappearing! I wonder whether  that the economy has been down for  another case of technology supplanting
         she is reacting to the GMO grains the  long enough that people are willing to  the traditional ways and surreptitiously
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