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         energy.” This consumption of cellular  be conquered. The mechanism is mild  VACCINATION AND VIOLENCE
         energy often occurs in a person whose  hypoxia (lack of the biochemical use     Published in 1990, Dr. Harris Coul-
         cells are already struggling to meet  of oxygen in creating cellular energy )  ter's book Vaccination, Social Violence
         energy demands. I have seen hundreds  affecting the limbic system and brain-  and Criminality provides one of the
         of patients for whom these commodi-  stem. When this happens the limbic  most powerful critiques ever written on
         ties are the cause of their symptoms.  system (which is an obvious computer  the subject of vaccination damage. In it
         Of course, it depends on the individual  that automatically organizes our emo-  he predicted a wave of violence in our
         sensitivity. I saw a polysymptomatic  tional and physical ability to adapt to  schools.
         woman who drank two cups of coffee a  our environment) becomes much more     The mechanism which he discussed
         day. I asked her to stop. She said, "That  reactive. Since this is the part of the  in detail was a certain type of brain
         is absurd, my husband drinks seven cups  brain that produces our emotional re-  damage known and acknowledged to
         and he is fine." I said, "Well, you will  flexes—monitored and advised by the  be caused by vaccination: sub-acute
         never know unless you try it," and she  cortex and higher centers—a "nursed  encephalo-meningitis. This condition
         did. During the next forty-eight hours  grievance" in a grade school boy can, I  was known to cause inflammation of
         an extremely severe headache kept her  believe, explode in violence, perhaps the  the base of the brain, which affects
         in bed. The headache cleared and after  secret of school shootings. Nobody has  personality and behavior.
         that her symptoms disappeared. I admit  looked at this possibility. I consider it to     This was no mere theoretical exer-
         that this was unusual but since we never  be an urgent necessity. An experiment  cise. As one of America's most creative
         know the individual biology, how many  was done in healthy human subjects  medical historians, Coulter did exten-
         people suffer without anyone suggesting  in 1942 by giving them an artificially  sive research to reveal that encephalitis
         the possibility? I have seen hundreds of  produced thiamine deficiency diet.  was an acknowledged medical reaction
         patients with PMS and 90 percent were  They all developed typical so-called  to all (or nearly all) vaccinations and that
         addicted to chocolate and coffee. With  psychosomatic symptoms, including  a very mild form left in its wake serious
         withdrawal of the offending substances  quarrelsome behavior, headaches and  personality distortions and disorders. A
         and the addition of a few vitamins, the  abdominal pain.               review of the "epidemics" of infectious
         PMS invariably disappeared.            The point is that we are still a  encephalitis that swept America and
             Sweet tasting junk is responsible for  relatively primitive animal. All animal  Europe in the 1920s reveals that those
         producing the "walking sick" in millions  brains are built on the same principle.  who survived such a condition would
         because the empty calories produce a  We still have the primitive brain, some-  suffer from various conditions that we
         relative deficiency of vitamins, thia-  times called the “reptilian system” and  recognize today but were exceedingly
         mine in particular. I have compared it  our higher brain centers have evolved  rare at that time. These conditions in-
         to a choked car engine where gasoline  to monitor and “advise” the cave man  clude ADD, ADHD, autism, Asperger's
         is burned inefficiently and proved the  that lies within us all. We all know that  syndrome, allergies, anorexia, bulimia,
         issue by performing a blood test called  alcohol will upset this physiological  impulsive violence, stuttering, mental
         “erythrocyte transketolase,” a superb  balance and it is well known that thia-  retardation, dyslexia, sudden infant
         and highly accurate test for thiamine  mine deficiency is an associated factor.  death syndrome (crib death), processing
         deficiency that is affecting millions.   Sugar in all its different and widespread  disorders, the inability to feel empathy
             Doctors  still  do  not  take  much  forms also produces relative thiamine  (seen in autism spectrum disorders but
         notice of diet in their patients and they  deficiency, thus inducing a mild degree  also in criminal behavior), bed-wetting,
         are missing the very obvious symptoms  of oxidative inefficiency.      Tourette's,  seizures  and many  other
         that have long been forgotten, those due   Derrick Lonsdale, MD, FAAP, CNS  conditions which, it must be repeated,
         to classic vitamin deficiency disease                Strongsville, Ohio  seemed to come out of nowhere (or
         that modern medicine has assumed to                                    rarely occurred) in those times.
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