Page 7 - Spring2013
P. 7


              Recently, I qualified to compete in  on shipping charges. We were about to  minimum of 161 degrees F for a certain
          the World Latin Dance Cup in Miami,  place a large order (over one hundred  length of time. There is also a category
          2012 December 12-15 in the ladies solo  fifty pounds) for raw cheese from a  called low-temp pasteurization wherein
          division. There will be over seventy  company from whom we had ordered  the milk can be heated to just under 145
          countries there to compete and I will be  before, one that uses milk from Amish  degrees.
          representing the United States.    farms. I received a tip suggesting I check     For some reason, low-temp pas-
              At the qualifying competition in  to see whether the cheese was truly raw.  teurization, or thermization, of the milk
          Portland, people repeatedly asked me,  It was not. The milk had been heated to  used for cheese-making allows for label-
          "How do you do it?" "What do you  144.5 degrees for fifteen seconds prior  ing the resulting cheese as “raw” in the
          eat?" I always tell them, “Raw milk and                                U.S. even though much of the beneficial
          butter.” Since then, I have been holding                               bacteria and enzymes are destroyed
          dance workshops for fundraisers for                                    through the heating process (although
          my trip in December. Lately, people                                    not as much as is destroyed with high-
          have asked me to help them get on a                                    temperature pasteurization). Enzymes
          better diet. I share with them my views                                begin to break down at 118 degrees. So
          on traditional whole nutritious foods.                                 if you are trying to purchase truly raw
          My college nutrition class taught me                                   cheese for the health benefits, you might
          the holistic way and the USDA way as                                   want to check with your cheese-maker
          well, so that I could know the difference.                             to see whether any heat-treatment has
          Having grown up on an Indian reserva-                                  been used on the milk prior to making
          tion where my family is one of the few                                 it into cheese.
          that still practices eating from nature’s                                  Cheese-makers who are producing
          marketplace (the medicine food wheel),                                 truly raw cheese will be getting a clean
          I carry that on in my life.                                            supply of milk from which to make
              This competition opportunity to                                    their cheese. Those cheese-makers who
          take place in December has given me a                                  have doubts about the quality of their
          leg to stand on to support raw milk and                                milk, whether because of the conditions
          whole nutrition. I am a fan of nourish-                                under which the dairy cows live or are
          ing traditional diets and the tribal food                              milked, or how the milk is stored prior
          wheel of the Umatilla Indian Reserva-  to making the cheese. It was similar in  to processing, or with the transportation
          tion.                              that respect to at least one national brand  between the dairy and the cheese-maker,
              I will be sharing information on  that markets its cheese as "raw" even  should certainly thermalize or pasteur-
          the benefits of raw milk at my "just for  though it too is heat-treated, rendering  ize their milk prior to cheese-making.
          women Latin dance workshop" this  it a “less-alive” food.              However, when the conditions are opti-
          Sunday in Walla Walla, Washington.     This type of treatment is called  mal and result in a healthy and beneficial
          I’m so glad this foundation exists.   thermization which the U.S. categorizes  raw milk, the cheese-maker can make a
                              Chelsie Bonifer  as raw with regards to cheese and the  truly raw cheese, all enzymes and good
                     Walla Walla, Washington  European Union categorizes as pasteur-  bacteria intact.
                                             ized. Apparently there are only two of-      It is always a good idea to have a
          “RAW” CHEESE                       ficial categories for cheese, pasteurized  dialogue with your food suppliers! In
              I am a WAPF co-leader in SW  and raw, but unofficially there are gray  the case of cheese, it’s not just a matter
          Colorado. Our chapter serves as a buy-  areas. In the U.S., high-temperature pas-  of antibiotics or hormones or how much
          ing club of sorts for our members to save  teurization requires heating the milk to a  grass and grain the cow is fed but also
 Wise Traditions   SPRING 2013  SPRING 2013          Wise Traditions                                             7
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