Page 6 - Spring2013
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         health providers instead of seeking to  some, real food, drinking a gallon of     I grew up on a farm in Argentina.
         misinform and scare your readers.   raw milk a day for the family. After  My mother was a petite woman, under
                            Name Withheld   moving to town, I have missed that life  five feet tall, who had fifteen children,
                                            tremendously so I have always been in  all of them healthy. They were born at
         Diseases like smallpox were eradicated  search of raw milk, right from the cow,  home with the help of a midwife.
         by sanitation measures, and polio is  just like we had at home. As most of      We lived mostly on beef—usually
         likely caused by the pesticide DDT. As  you probably know, that’s not easy to  as a stew cooked in a cast iron cauldron
         you state, the side effects of vaccines are  find. Finally, I found a resource and I  over a big fire. Everything went into that
         listed in the vaccine FAQ sheets, but few  am grateful every day.      stew—meat, organ meats, bones, feet,
         doctors read these to their patients or     Fast forward to September 2012  beans and vegetables. Blood went into
         are even prepared to have a discussion  (two years after the 2010 bone den-  sausage. In fact we never ate anything
         about the subject. Meanwhile, more and  sity test). My doctor suggested I get  raw, everything was cooked. The ex-
         more children suffer the adverse effects  re-tested. I remember thinking, “That’s  ception to that was raw milk, of course,
         of vaccines, especially of so many vac-  a good idea―I wonder whether the raw  which we all had throughout our grow-
         cines, which introduce toxins like alumi-  milk will make a difference?” I don’t  ing years. For bread we had dough fried
         num, mercury, formaldehyde and MSG  think I really thought it would, I was  in lard. We also had plenty of eggs. We
         into the bloodstream. Our philosophy is  just curious.                 ate chicken, duck and pork on special
         to protect our children with good nutri-     Well, lo and behold, my test results  occasions.
         tion, not with toxic vaccines.     came back with the statement: “Since     Of course, my mother breastfed all
                                            7/12/2010 there has been a significant  of us. One custom in Argentina was for
         OSTEOPENIA REVERSED                increase in bone density in the lumbar  a new mother to stay in bed and rest for
             In July of 2010, I had a bone density  spine (2.8 percent).”       forty days after the birth. The midwife
         test done. In the past when the doctors     I was amazed and so excited―I  stayed at the house for two months, mak-
         checked my bones, I had always come  couldn’t wait to see my doctor again.  ing chicken soup and other nourishing
         out with good density. Because of this,  When she read my report, she couldn’t  foods. She took care of all the other
         I didn’t worry about bones breaking,  believe it. She said she had never seen  children so my mother could rest. Then
         even though I am in my sixties. It was a  osteopenia reversed. I asked her if she  when she left, we other children helped
         concern of mine because I have an aunt  wanted to know what I was doing dif-  with the child care and child minding.
         who has osteoporosis, and I seem to  ferently? She said she did and I told her,     A new baby was put in a basket
         follow after her in many ways. She has  “The only thing I have changed is that  to sleep in my parents’ room. When
         fallen and broken some of her bones.   I’m drinking raw milk.” She looked at  the baby was old enough to sit up, that
             So imagine my surprise when my  me strangely and said, “Aren’t you afraid  signaled the time for the baby to move
         2010 test came back with a diagnosis  if it isn’t pasteurized?” I replied, “No,  out of my parents’ room and in with the
         of osteopenia, the start of osteoporosis.  actually I’m more afraid of pasteurized.”  other children.
         I was very concerned but as life goes,  She replied, “Well, keep doing what     An important thing for baby was
         I kind of forgot about it. At the time I  you’re doing.” I know I had to be the  anise tea, for digestion and colic. We
         was drinking store-bought, pasteurized,  first patient that had told her that.  collected the anise ourselves and made
         homogenized milk.                      So my raw milk is gold to me. I love  the tea faithfully for the new baby.
             In the 70s and 80s, I lived on an  the taste and I love the results!      My father lived to age eighty-seven
         acreage with my family and we had                      Elaine Andrews  and my mother lived to age ninety.
         our own milk cow (along with beef,                       Marion, Iowa                         Ina Russell
         chickens, hogs, turkeys and rabbits). I                                            Silver Spring, Maryland
         was raised five kids on good, whole-  GROWING UP IN ARGENTINA          POWERED BY RAW MILK
         6                                          Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2013                    SPRING 2013                                Wise Traditions
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