Page 10 - Summer2018
P. 10

Caustic Commentary

         ing studies, no arguments about the validity of computer   cells, congestion of blood vessels in the kidneys, and necrosis
         models, no disruption of an economic system nor any adverse   of the cells that create sperm (,
         human health or even digestive problems, after five billion   January 4, 2017). So opposition to GMOs is not superstition,
         acres have been cultivated cumulatively and trillions of   not the ravings of befuddled Luddites, but genuine concern
         meals consumed.” Daniels sneers at those who buy organic   based on careful science.
         food and non-fluoride
         toothpaste, claiming                                                         YES, IMMORAL
         that “This is the kind                                                       We can think of nothing more
         of foolishness that rich                                                     immoral than the pharma-
         societies can afford                                                         ceutical industry targeting
         to indulge. But when                                                         infants in their lust for sales of
         they attempt to inflict                                                      psychiatric drugs. An article
         their superstitions on                                                       published in The New York
         the poor and hungry                                                          Times (December 10, 2015)
         peoples of the planet,                                                       documents increasing use of
         the cost shifts from af-                                                     antipsychotics (such as Risp-
         fordable to dangerous                                                        erdal and Seroquel) and anti-
         and the debate from                                                          depressants (such as Prozac)
         scientific to moral.”                                                        in children under the age of
         According to Daniels,                                                        two—twenty thousand pre-
         in Africa “you won’t                                                         scriptions for antipsychotics
         find the conversation dominated by anti-GMO protesters.”   and eighty-three thousand prescriptions for Prozac in 2014.
         Consumers and farmers in Africa “are eager to share in the  The report notes that legally, doctors are free to prescribe
         life-saving and life-enhancing advances that modern science   any medicine for any reason, so there is nothing to stop
         alone can bring.” Yet the photo posted with the article shows   them from recommending that infants take these drugs—
         a Kenyan woman protesting GMO food during a Kenya   drugs that can profoundly influence infant brain growth
         Biodiversity Coalition event in Nairobi (The Washington   and have side effects such as agitation, mania, aggressive or
         Post, December 28, 2017). Small farmers in developing     hostile behavior, seizures, hallucinations and even sudden
         countries are becoming increasingly aware that genetically   death. Dr. Martin Drell, former president of the American
         engineered crops are no blessing, but lead to more debt, more   Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, said he was
         dependence on world market prices, more toxic chemicals,   “hard pressed to figure out what the rationale would be” for
         more heartache and more suicide.                    the prescriptions—but we can. When children are off the
                                                             wall with constant crying and temper tantrums, desperate
         NO CREDIBLY CONFLICTING STUDIES?                    parents will agree to almost anything. During the famine
         In fact, several studies that Daniels should know about do in   years in Europe, parents gave their babies opium to keep
         fact point to real damage from GMOs. All three took place in   them from crying, and the current practice of medicating
         Egypt and compared the effects of a local species of corn with   difficult youngsters is similar. These children are starving
         the genetically modified (GM) version of that species. Rats   too—starving for vitamins, minerals and healthy fats that
         fed the GM compared to non-GM corn developed distorted   only real foods can give.
         and flattened intestinal villi—in one of the studies after only
         ninety days. Said the researchers, “Consumption of GM-corn  THE SLOW MARCH TO VICTORY
         profoundly alters the jejunal histological [microscopic] struc-  Progress often comes in small steps. The Fluoride Action
         ture.” The other two studies found differences in organ and   Network (FAN) has sued the EPA to end the deliberate addi-
         body weights, abnormalities and fatty degeneration of liver   tion of fluoride to the public water supply, and on February 7,

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