Page 7 - Summer2018
P. 7


            is well taken care of before and after it  the-epicor-story, but the paragraph on  cows chomping tree leaves, bushes,
            leaves your care? I’ll give you a hint—it  fermented foods and health reminded  some ground stuff and then to the trees
            never gets easier. You just have to work  me of WAPF and I thought you might  again in this semitropical forest. The
            harder. Do the best you can, to do the  find it of interest. “In the late 1800s  hens and chicks forage all day until it
            best you can. Make a difference.   C.W.  Bloomhall,  a  young  boy  who  is time to roost. The result is the most
                 Emily Popa, Wilders Homestead  lived on a family farm, noticed that  delicious eggs, farm cheese, yogurt
                        Wilders, North Carolina  animals fed table scraps fermented with  and meat I have ever tasted. All this
                                               sour milk seemed to be healthier than  happens under chemtrail- and emf-free
            WISDOM FROM OLD MOVIES             animals fed simple grains alone.” So  skies, pure air, mountain spring water
                Last night I watched a movie Five  fermented foods are good for animals  and richly mulched earth.
            Little Peppers from around 1938. I  as well as for humans!               To loosely quote Mr. Mollinson
            thought it was interesting when an older                 Chris Young  again, I stick the seeds, plants, trees in
            man was on bed rest recovering from a                    Albany, NY  the ground and “stand back.” Every-
            heart problem, his caregiver gave him                                thing flourishes in this “abonoso” soil
            water every morning—alternating one  WORK SO DIFFERENT               and microclimate.
            day water with lemon, and the next     My work is so different now as I     Ecological farming is protected by
            water with sauerkraut juice!       reflect back to the 1990s when I taught  the Bolivian constitution, and I enjoy
                Also, in the 1939 film Wuthering  WAPF to all my patients. It took hours  sharing seeds with my eco-neighbors.
            Heights staring Merle Oberon and  per person. Now, most patients have  Most families have been here for gen-
            Laurence Olivier, the doctor prescribed  already heard of WAPF and many are  erations, and I appreciate being invited
            “plenty of butter” for Cathy when she is  already eating as recommended. For  to their festive lunches with game or
            recovering from illness. Old movies and  others, I just send them to the website  domesticated meat processed there with
            novels are a good way to glean some of  and then offer a bit of guidance. This  their own homegrown vegetables and
            the wisdom of our ancestors!       is really an enormous change, at least  chicha, a fermented corn elixir made
                And for wisdom from the more an-  in my smaller circle of homeopathic  with cinnamon and cloves. I have taught
            cient past, I attended an exhibit of items  patients. I am thankful every day for  them the WAPF kefir and yogurt recipes
            related to Sir Thomas More, from the  your tireless work.            and plan to become a Bolivian chapter
            1500s. One beautiful illuminated book     Now I am awaiting the restoration  leader once my permanent residency
            from that time was a “conversation”  of our farms to pasturing!      status is granted.
            between a man named Henry and his                        Roy Ozanne      My kind neighbors give me weekly
            “spiritual doctors”—who were Jesus                    Two Rivers, WI  fresh milk, eggs and artisan bread made
            and Mary. The large book happened to                                 in huge wood fired ovens. Plus, I can
            be open to a page where he asked his  BOLIVIAN PARADISE              buy the vegetables I do not grow, like
            “doctors” what to do about depression,     I write from a farming region in  corn and yucca. I grow on thirty-three
            and Mary advised him to consume bone  Bolivia with Samaipata the nearest  hectares of fabulous land—sweet limes,
            broth! What a surprising resource for  town. For three years, I have been rev-  mandarins, loads of greens and herbs.
            nutrition and health!              eling in waterfalls, condors swooping  Yacon and medicinal plants are here in
                                Kathy Kramer   down to greet me and monkeys cavort-  abundance. I must step on medicinal
                        Cottage City, Maryland  ing in this sanctuary—plus parrots,  plants in order to walk, there are that
                                               toucans and many varieties of bees.  many medicinal plants here. I am happy
            SOUR MILK FOR ANIMALS                 Bill Mollinson (co-founder of per-  to give more information by contacting
                I am not related to this site or prod-  maculture) says cows and poultry are  me at
            uct,  forest animals. I see this every day with  and will respond in a timely fashion.

            SUMMER 2018                              Wise Traditions                                                   5
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