Page 5 - Summer2018
P. 5


            AUTISM SERVICE DOG                 BIOIDENTICAL HORMONES             through “the change” (that is, the seven
                I am grateful for the education I     Let’s not throw out the baby   years of perimenopause and after) with
            have gotten from the Weston A. Price  with the bath water! Kim Schuette’s   only minor discomfort. They may
            Foundation. I highly value information  article “Recovery from Bioidentical   have the occasional broken sleep or
            that helps us be healthier and more  Hormones” (Winter 2017) has some   hot flash but their life is able to stay on
            connected to our food and our bodies.  important information in it. However,   course. For some women, herbs provide
            My family lives in central Virginia  it also has some misinformation that the   adequate help and support for the peri-
            with our two young children, ages four  readers deserve to have corrected. After   menopausal period.
            and eight. Our eight-year-old is on the  twenty years of working with women      However, there are some women
            autism spectrum and has suffered from  and men using bioidentical hormones, I   whose perimenopausal symptoms are
            many digestive issues. Just two years                                  life-disrupting. Their problems aren’t
            ago, our child could not eat eggs,                                     resolved with good diet, adequate
            nuts, seeds or many fruits. We made                                    fats, homeopathy or herbs. For these
            drastic changes to her diet with the                                   women, bioidentical hormones can
            help of information from WAPF and                                      be helpful.
            are very happy to announce that our                                       Schuette’s statement: “A hor-
            eight-year-old now is eating all of                                    mone packaged at a compounding
            those foods and more. I attribute                                      pharmacy is in reality no different
            much of our success to bone broth                                      than those formulas obtained from
            alone—we started almost every                                          a mainstream  pharmacy”  fails  to
            meal with it and always gave it to                                     make the key distinction between
            her before reintroducing foods. Now                                    compounded bioidentical hormones
            that her gut is on its way to recovery,                                and pharmaceuticals. Bioidentical
            we have a new goal: to bring home a                                    hormones contain only the estro-
            service dog to help ease our child’s                                   gens (estradiol, estrone, estriol) and
            severe  social  anxiety,  increase  her  have learned a lot about what is helpful   progesterone that women make them-
            confidence and reduce overall stress.  and healthful and what is not.  selves. They are synthesized, yes, but
            ECAD, the non-profit organization that     Hormone replacement therapy   they are identical molecularly—just as
            is training a service dog for our child,  (HRT)  for  menopause  has  gotten  a   Synthroid and Levoxyl are synthesized
            asks that each family raise twenty-five  bad reputation. Much of the blame can   identical molecules of thyroxine (T4),
            thousand dollars to cover the cost of  be laid on the doctors who prescribed   the thyroid hormone our thyroid makes.
            breeding and training. Our fundrais-  HRT for years without ever checking a      The real bad actor in the Women’s
            ing is underway, and we would be so  woman’s hormone levels―either before   Health Initiative study was the com-
            grateful to have support from Weston  or during treatment. This cavalier atti-  bination of Premarin (a hormone
            A. Price Foundation members. Here is  tude is appalling and dangerous. It also   composed from pregnant mare’s urine
            a link to our donation page if anyone is  doesn’t follow good medical protocols.   containing at least seventeen different
            able to help out:  No doctor would think of prescribing   estrogens) and Provera (a synthetic pro-
            ser. Thank you so much for everything  thyroid hormone, for example, without   gestin). Progestins are not bioidentical
            you are doing to bring healthy foods  checking hormone levels both before   molecules to the progesterone women
            into our lives and the lives of so many.  prescribing and while the patient was   make when they ovulate. Those in
                               Davene Wasser  taking the hormone.                the study taking Prempro (Premarin
                              Central Virginia     In my experience, most women,   and Provera combined) experienced
                                               probably 80 percent or more, can sail   increased strokes, heart attacks, breast

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