Page 6 - Summer2018
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         cancer and other problems. However,  early and stayed asleep until morning.  life we know how to provide for them.
         neither group in the study using es-  We all deal with things differently―he  And in return for their good life, they
         trogen alone, nor the many studies on  needed rest to recover, and I needed to  provide us with nourishment for us and
         bioidentical hormones have found any  organize my thoughts to recover.  for our family.
         increased health risks for women.      We took eight lives yesterday: five     No, I don’t enjoy killing animals.
             The key to safe and sane use of  guineas and three turkeys. Our birds,  I’d rather watch them dig for worms
         bioidentical hormones is to check levels  our beloved birds. Four of those guineas  and jump up in the branches of trees
         before and during their use in order  showed up at our place last week and  and chase squirrels. But they have a
         to keep them in a safe physiological  decided to stick around. We had grown  purpose to serve. And I have a purpose,
         range. Is there a need for “Recovery  to love them even in that short time.  too. I have to feed my family, and I feel
         from Bioidentical Hormones”? Not  We enjoyed watching them carve out a  called to do it in the most connected
         in my experience. My patients tend to  place for themselves among our flock.  way possible. I also feel a strong calling
         discontinue BHRT as soon as they no  Those four were easier, but taking a life  to share what that means with as many
         longer need it. They simply stop taking  is never easy.              people as I can reach.
         them without any problems.            The fifth guinea and the three tur-     Raising and processing animals
                   Marianne Rothschild, MD  keys, though―those were our babies.  for food is not normal these days, but
                      Mount Airy, Maryland  That was tough. They have been here  it used to be. It used to be necessary.
                                            on the homestead since they were little  It used to be that people could rely on
         Response from Kim Schuette: Thank  peeping fluff balls. We have taught  themselves and the folks in their com-
         you for your input. We certainly re-  them to eat and drink. We have pro-  munity. Nowadays, most everyone is
         spect your training, observations and  tected them from predators. We have  out of touch. We don’t know where our
         experience as a medical physician. As  provided them shelter and provided  food comes from. We don’t know whose
         you rightly assert, many women are  them freedom. We have watched them  hands have touched it, what conditions
         not properly monitored when placed  learn and grow. Their plumage has  it lived in, what it ate, or how it died.
         on bioidentical and/or synthetic hor-  changed from soft fuzz to mature,  It’s just a slab of pink or red stuff in
         mones, including thyroid hormones. It  beautifully colored feathers. We have  a package at the store, or more often,
         is the experience of many practitioners  learned each of their personalities and  some brown stuff on a plate (or in a
         that this occurs far too often. It is those  fed them from our own hands.  Styrofoam take-out box).
         women, especially, who need recovery     Killing them is not something     But I’ll tell you what. I know where
         options.                           that we wanted to do. It is what we feel  my food comes from, and that’s what
                                            we have to do. The longer we live this  keeps me up at night. No, not the night-
         SLEEPLESS NIGHT                    lifestyle―homesteading or traditional  mare of the animal’s circumstance, but
             My husband Dragoș and I own two  living or farming or whatever you want  the beauty of it all. I sit up remember-
         and one-half acres in Wilders, North  to call it—the more difficult we find it  ing all the happy moments my animals
         Carolina, where we raise as much of our  to eat meat from the store. Those ani-  have spent while under my care. And
         own food as possible. We have several  mals are tortured—packed into small  I sit up wondering how I can make it
         small gardens, and we raise turkeys,  houses with no grass and no sunlight.  even better for the animals that join my
         ducks, chickens and guineas for meat  They live in filth and eat who knows  homestead in the future.
         and eggs, hogs for pork, and goats for  what—definitely not grass and seeds     So now I ask you—what will you
         raw milk. We process all of our meat  and bugs like ours eat.        do to grow the connection between
         animals by ourselves on our property     I can’t imagine letting any of my  yourself and your food? What goals do
             I didn’t sleep well last night. In  animals live like that. That is no life  you have for this year or this decade?
         comparison, my husband fell asleep  at all. Ours live the good life, the best  What will you do to ensure your food

         4                                          Wise Traditions                             SUMMER 2018
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