Page 9 - Summer2018
P. 9

Caustic Commentary

                                       Sally Fallon Morell takes on the Diet Dictocrats

            DANCE WITH THE SUGAR MONSTER                        on this commonly used painkiller, what do the researchers
            An alert member sent us an article about Kellogg’s New  recommend? Pregnant women should continue to follow
            York City Café, a five-thousand-square-foot store in Union  the guidelines given by their country’s health authorities.
            Square where millennials can pay up to seven dollars fifty  “If you are ill, you should naturally take the medicine you
            cents per bowl of cereal (containing a few cents worth of  need. After all, having a sick mother is more harmful for the
            ingredients). “It would be hard to make up this sort of thing,”  fetus” (EurekAlert! Science News, June 22, 2017).
            was her comment. Indeed, it would be difficult to think of
            a more disgusting way for young people to eat. The menu  THE HARD FOOD THEORY
            features highly sugared cereals—many dyed with coal tar  In a recent post (January 27, 2018) dentist James R. Trexel
            dyes—plus toppings like marshmallows, pop tart crumbles,  expounds on the so-called “hard food” theory of dental palate
            white chocolate chips and caramel sauce, moistened with  development. The reason many modern people don’t have
            “dairy options” (1%, skim, chocolate or whole), soy milk or  room for their wisdom teeth, he claims, is that they are no
            almond milk. One dish, called the Unicorn, consists of pink  longer eating the “coarse food” of our ancestors. Because
            and blue Cheerios, pink cotton candy and “cotton-candy  they ate coarse food, our ancestors “experienced an increase
            flavored pop candy” ( Oh my, America!  in tooth wear, or attrition. Attrition causes a reduction in
            What future can we expect from a nation that sees nothing  the height of the crown, or top of the tooth. If this reduc-
            wrong about this dance with the Sugar Monster? What kind  tion progresses far enough, it actually creates more space
            of tragedy lies ahead for young people who eat this way?  in the dental arch, space that can allow for wisdom teeth to
                                                                erupt normally. . .” In addition, he claims that the effort to
            LONG-TERM CONSEQUENCES                              chew coarse food “causes the bones of the jaw to become
            “Healthcare providers consider acetaminophen (Tylenol) the  larger and more robust” ( This is sort
            safest over-the-counter pain reliever and fever reducer to take  of like arguing that stretching exercises for teenagers will
            when you're pregnant,” says pharmacist Gerald Briggs at  cause them to grow taller! In fact, we can tell the moment a
   “Acetaminophen has been widely used for  child is born his likelihood for having a wide face and large
            decades, and extensive research shows that it's safe to take  dental palate—long before he has eaten any food at all. And
            during pregnancy.” Not so fast! Studies have shown that tak-  most foods consumed by primitive people were far from
            ing the pain killer acetaminophen (also called paracetamol)  coarse—soaked porridges and organ meats come to mind.
            can inhibit the development of testosterone in male fetuses,  Except for the Eskimos, the native peoples with wide palates
            thus increasing the risk of testicular malformation in infants.  that Weston Price photographed did not have worn teeth. The
            A recent animal study from the University of Copenhagen  hard food theory may seem silly but unfortunately it steers
            goes further. According to the researchers, “We have dem-  parents away from proper preparation for pregnancy, and
            onstrated that a reduced level of testosterone means that  vectors moms into fads like baby-led weaning, where babies
            male characteristics do not develop as they should. This also  without molars gum on hard foods like meat and raw carrots.
            affects sex drive. In a trial, mice exposed to paracetamol at
            the fetal stage were simply unable to copulate in the same  IMMORAL?
            way as our control animals. Male programming had not  Those concerned about the use of genetically engineered
            been properly established during fetal development and this  crops (GMOs) have been called all sorts of names—old-
            could be seen long afterwards in their adult life.” In fact,  fashioned, naïve, anti-science, to mention a few. But a recent
            with behaviors such as territorial marking, the males acted  article in The Washington Post ups the ante: people against
            more like female mice. And mice exposed to acetamino-  GMOs are immoral! The author, Mitch Daniels, is the presi-
            phen had half as many neurons in the area of the brain that  dent of Purdue University, an educational institution that has
            controls sex drive (Reproduction 2017 Aug;154(2):145-15).  sponsored many GMO initiatives. According to Daniels, as
            But instead of demanding an immediate black box warning  far as GMOs are concerned, “there are no credibly conflict-

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