Page 8 - Summer2018
P. 8


         Remember to actualize your dreams.  our blood sugar has typically plunged   learned about how we can raise energy
         All is possible!                   and we tend to grab the first Techno-  naturally and withdraw comfortably
                           Rosemary Duma  Karb that comes along—along with    from coffee (or from colas, diet sodas,
                         Samaipata, Bolivia  more coffee.                     or energy drinks).
                                               Skipping breakfast is a particular               Julia Ross, author
         BONES AND MARROW                   problem as it robs us of our morning               The Craving Cure
             You probably already know this,  intake of naturally energizing amino
         but I was just chatting with a Ghanaian  acid-rich foods. Because of that we   HOMEMADE FORMULA
         co-worker about his white teeth, and he  need more caffeine throughout the day      We adopted our daughter at birth.
         says that he eats not only the fat, but  to keep going. This can add up to over   She was born at thirty-six weeks, un-
         also the bones of the meat. He is teach-  three cups a day. Consuming more than   derweight at five pounds nine ounces.
         ing his children to do the same. He tells  three cups a day on a regular basis in-  With the homemade formula alone,
         them it is to strengthen the teeth. He  creases our risk of premature death by   including fermented cod liver oil, she
         said when he first arrived in London,  50 percent.                   was into normal percentiles by four or
         people would stare at him because of     Cad Lavie, MD, in The Obesity   five months later, then had (seemingly)
         his white teeth. He also said licorice  Paradox, describes the research that   very early onset verbal ability. Since
         root was used to clean the teeth.   went into this study of coffee’s lethal   then she has been absolutely flourish-
             I should also add that last evening I  potential. The caffeine in coffee, like   ing. It is amazing to see her verbal
         was reading Sapiens: A Brief History of  all stimulant drugs, is addictive. It’s   development and thought process—I
         Humankind by Yuval Harari, PhD, and  often combined with sugar or choco-  absolutely think that fermented cod
         the book states that the first tools used  late, thus becoming a double or triple   liver oil provided the essential nutrients.
         by Homo sapiens were for the purpose  addictor and adding damaging calories.            Gladden Pappin
         of cutting animal bones to retrieve the  Caffeine suppresses our calming neu-               Dallas, TX
         marrow.                            rotransmitters—serotonin, GABA and
                              Carol Hopson  adenosine—by overstimulating adrena-  BEST LOOKING WEBSITE!
                               London, UK   line. Too much adrenaline compromises      The new WAPF website is the
                                            cardiovascular and adrenal functions,   best looking website I have ever seen!
         COFFEE’S DARK SIDE                 increases stress and anxiety, and di-  Beautiful both artistically and in the
             After seeing thousands of coffee  minishes our overall sense of wellbeing.   nutrient-dense content. Great job on the
         addicts come through my clinic, I have  It consequently interferes with sleep,   WAPF site (WOW), and now I will go
         some concerns about this beverage.  which weakens health generally and   back to explore it more.
         Most of our clients come to us for help  contributes to unneeded weight gain.  David M. Augenstein, MSc, PE
         with sugar cravings and are appalled at     Furthermore, caffeine reduces               Louisville, Ohio
         our suggestion that they let us relieve  the levels of our naturally energizing
         them of cravings for coffee as well. As  amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine   Have a look at our new landing page
         described in my new book, The Craving  as well as our naturally energizing,   at
         Cure, there are good reasons why we so  calorie-burning thyroid hormones. By   yes-you-can/!
         often suggest that our clients eliminate  suppressing the insulin response, caf-
         coffee altogether.                 feine can accelerate our progression
             Coffee temporarily ruins our ap-  toward diabetes.                      Gifts and bequests to the
         petite for real food, leaving our natural     See chapter 10 and page 397 in   Weston A. Price Foundation
         feeding instincts in the dark. Not eating  The Craving Cure for more (including   will help ensure
         real food makes us prey to cravings and  references). Perhaps most important,   the gift of good health
         fatigue. When the caffeine wears off,  chapter 10 includes what my clinic has   to future generations.

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